Profile of Prof.Dr.Ir. Suharsono DEA.
Personal Information

Full Name | Prof.Dr.Ir. Suharsono DEA. |
sony-sh [at] | |
Website | |
Division | Plant Physiology and Genetics |
Research Interest |
Google Scholar Profile |
Degree | Major | University |
S1 | Agronomy | IPB |
S2 | Plant Production | Universite de Nantes, France |
S3 | Plant Cell Biology | Universite de Bordeaux 2, France |
Research | Year |
Production of potato seed cv IPB CP3 and potato tubers cv IPB CP1 and IPB CP3 for chip industry |
2022 |
Obtaining varieties and production trials of potato seeds and tubers for the chip industry |
2022-2024 |
Product Development, Licensing Applications, and Promotion of Potatoes of IPB cultivar CP3 |
2021 |
Development of industrial and vegetable potatoes. |
2018-2020 |
Multi location trial of clones, and analysis of transgenic and mutant clones of potato |
2017 |
Seed production and creation of new cultivar of industrial processing potato |
2016 |
Development of potatoes for processed food industry |
2015-2016 |
Genetic engineering of plants by genes responsible for alumnium tolerance and flowering |
2013-2014 |
Multi-location trial of potato cv Jala Ipam in the frame of released variety |
2013 |
JARAK: the claims and facts concerning socially sustainable Jatropha production in Indonesia. |
2010-2014 |
Test of adaptability of lines of soybean in the frame of the creation of new elite cultivars |
2010-2011 |
Molecular adaptation of Jatropha curcas to acid soil for reforestation of tropical wastelands |
2009-2012 |
Genetic improvement of Jatropha curcas for productivity and tolerance to low pH and aluminum |
2009 |
Molecular breeding of the high-yield Jatropha curcas as energy plant and reforestation |
2008-2012 |
Title | Year |
A diverse range of physicochemically-distinct biochars made from a combination of different feedstock tissues and pyrolysis temperatures from a biodiesel plant Jatropha curcas …
T Konaka, S Tadano, T Takahashi, S Suharsono, C Mazereku, ... Industrial Crops and Products 159, 113060, 2021 |
2021 |
In silico screening of oil palm early and continuously flowering gene candidates for faster breeding program Polosoro A, Enggarini W, Hadiarto T, Supena EDJ, Suharsono IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 762: 012063 |
2021 |
Introgression of the LYZ-C gene from the transgenic japonica rice cultivar ‘Kinlys1/3/23’ into the elite indica rice cultivar ‘Ciherang’ Eka A, Suharsono, Miftahudin SABRAO J. Breed. Genet.53 (2): 311-321. |
2021 |
Obtaining of transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivar IPB CP3 containing LYZ‐C gene resistant to bacterial wilt disease. Pasmawati, Tjahjoleksono A , Suharsono Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 26(1): 48‐53 |
2021 |
OsGERLP: A novel aluminum tolerance rice gene isolated from a local cultivar in Indonesia. Miftahudin M, Roslim DI , Fendiyanto MH, Satrio RD, Zulkifli A , Umaiyah EI, Chikmawati T, Sulistyaningsih YC, Suharsono S, Hartana A, Nguyen HT, Gustafson JP Plant Physiol. Biochem. 162: 86–99 |
2021 |
Analisis ketahanan galur mutan M2 cabai hasil genome editing CRISPR/Cas9 terhadap penyakit virus kuning. Prasetya WM, Hadiarto T, Enggarini W, Polosoro A, Suharsono J. AgroBiogen. 17 (1): 1-10 |
2021 |
Drumstick (Moringa oleifera) variation in biomass and total flavonoid content in Indonesia. Ridwan, Hamim, Suharsono, Hidayati N, Gunawan I Biodiversitas 22 (1): 491-498 |
2021 |
Molecular and morphological analysis of Indonesian drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Ridwan R, Hamim H, Hidayati N, Suharsono S Asian J. Plant Sci. 20 (1): 131-142 |
2021 |
Genome-wide SNP discovery, linkage mapping, and analysis of QTL for morpho-physiological traits in rice during vegetative stage under drought stress
RD Satrio, MH Fendiyanto, EDJ Supena, S Suharsono, M Miftahudin Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 27 (11), 2635-2650, 2021 |
2021 |
Garlic micro-propagation and polyploidy induction in vitro by colchicine
MG Hailu, KT Mawcha, S Nshimiyimana, S Suharsono Plant Breeding and Biotechnology 9 (1), 1-19, 2021 |
2021 |
Resistensi Tanaman Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Kultivar Atlantic Transgenik yang Mengandung Gen Penyandi Lisozim Terhadap Penyakit Busuk Lunak Suharsono, Maftuchah Z Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi XXV, Perhimpunan Biologi (PBI) Cabang Lampung. p78-83 |
2020 |
Molecular and phenotypic analyses of Inpari HDB/K15 F2 lines containing sd1 mutant gene resulted from genome editing method Fitriyanti CSA, Suharsono SS, Santoso TJ. J Agrobiogen 16 (1): 35-44. |
2020 |
2020. Expression of c-lysozyme gene in transgenic potatoes cv. Jala Ipam against bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum Alfian A, Suharsono, Tjahjoleksono A. Intl. J. Agric. Biol. 23:.1136-1140 |
2020 |
Analysis of mutant of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivar Kennebec. Suharsono, Nurandinie DR, Tjahjoleksono A IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 457 012074 |
2020 |
Molecular analysis of mutant of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivar Atlantic Mardiyah E, Samipak S, Suharsono IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 457 012075 |
2020 |
Pengeditan gen PCNA dengan teknologi CRISPR/Cas9 untuk perbaikan ketahanan tanaman cabai terhadap penyakit daun keriting kuning Kurniawati DA, Suharsono, Santoso TJ J. AgroBiogen 16(2):79–88 |
2020 |
Analisis keragaman genetik galur kedelai transgenik toleran cekaman aluminium dan varietas nontransgenik berdasarkan marka Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Pardal SJ, Rahayu VR, Nugroho K, Suharsono Penel Pert Tan Pangan 4 (3): 171-177 |
2020 |
Identification of single nucleotide polymorphism in FAFA gene encoding for acyl-ACP thioesterase type-A of oil palm. Prasetyo MD, Suharsono, Liwang T, Roberdi SABRAO J. Breed. Genet.52 (4): 493-505 |
2020 |
Cloning, Sequencing and Analyzing of 16S rRNA Gene from Inulin Hydrolyzing Bacteria
S Suharsono, A Akhmaloka, M Ulfah Cloning, 2020 |
2020 |
Identification of drought-responsive regulatory genes by hierarchical selection of expressed sequence tags and their expression under drought stress in rice. Satrio RD, Fendiyanto MH, Supena EDJ, Suharsono, Miftahudin International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 22 (6), 1524-1532, 2019 |
2019 |
Screening of markers and blast isolates for blast resistance selection on backcross-population from crossing Ciherang and IRBLta2-Re. Fitriah N, Widyastuti U, Suharsono, Nugroho S, Suwarno, Miftahudin International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 22 (3), 468-474, 2019 |
2019 |
Evaluation of PCR‐HRM, RFLP, and direct sequencing as simple and cost‐effective methods to detect common EGFR mutations in plasma cell–free DNA of non … Zaini J, Syahruddin E, Yunus M, Andarini SL, Hudoyo A, Masykura N, Yasril R, Ridwanuloh A, Hidajat H, Nurwidya F, Suharsono S, Utomo ARH Cancer Reports, e1159, 2019 |
2019 |
Evaluation of Cowpea Cultivars from Southwest Maluku-Indonesia under different environments based on morphological characteristics. Karuwal RL, Suharsono, Tjahjoleksono A, Hanif N Sabrao J Breed Genet 51 (1): 93-106 |
2019 |
Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii using G gene and callus cultures Sulistiani E, Suharsono, Supena EDJ, Miftahudin Biotropia 26 (1): 41-51 |
2019 |
Correlation among Snpb11 markers, root growth, and physiological characters of upland rice under aluminum stress. Fendiyanto MH, Satrio RD, Suharsono, Tjahjoleksono A, Miftahudin Biodiversitas 20 (5): 1243-1254 |
2019 |
Construction and expression of indonesian hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) in Lactococcus lactis as potential therapeutic vaccine Anwar RI, Mustopa AZ, Ningrum RA, Suharsono S BioTechnologia 100 (1) : 37-45 |
2019 |
Introgression of resistance to blast disease from monogenic line IRBLta2-Re to Ciherang rice variety. Fitriah N, Suharsono, Nugroho S, Suwarno, Miftahudin Sabrao J. Breed. Genet. 51 (4): 419-429 |
2019 |
Evaluation of PCR‐HRM, RFLP, and direct sequencing as simple and cost‐effective methods to detect common EGFR mutations in plasma cell–free DNA of non …
J Zaini, E Syahruddin, M Yunus, SL Andarini, A Hudoyo, N Masykura, ... Cancer Reports 2 (4), e1159, 2019 |
2019 |
Screening of Markers and Blast Isolates for Blast Resistance Selection on Backcross-Population from Crossing Ciherang and IRBLta2-Re
N Fitriah, U Widyastuti, Suharsono, S Nugroho, Suwarno, Miftahudin INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGY 22 (3), 468-474, 2019 |
2019 |
Differential physiological responses and tolerance to potentially toxic elements in biodiesel tree Jatropha curcas Yamada M, Malambane G, Yamada S, Suharsono S, Tsujimoto S, Moseki B, Akashi K Scientific reports 8 (1), 1635 |
2018 |
Overexpression of Hevea brasiliensis ethylene response factor HbERF‐IXc5 enhances growth and tolerance to abiotic stress and affects laticifer differentiation Lestari R, Rio M, Martin F, Leclreck J, Woraathasin N, Roques S, Desailly F, Clement-Vidal A, Sanier C, Fabre D, Melliti S, Suharsono S, Montoro P Plant Biotechnol. 16 (1), 322-336 |
2018 |
Optimization of Somatic Embryogenesis Induction of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Susanti I, Suharsono, Widyastuti U, Juniarti U, Tjahjoleksono A Annales Bogoriensis 21 (2): 45-51 |
2018 |
Partial purification, characterization, and application of extracellular aspartic protease from Lactobacillus casei WSP in producing the bioactive peptides with antibacterial and antioxidant activity Solikhin A, Mustopa AZ, Suharsono, Putranto WS Annales Bogoriensis 22 (2): 47-56 |
2018 |
Regeneration and histological study of somatic embryogenesis of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) cultivar PS 864 Damayanti F, Suharsono, Tjahjoleksono A, Mariska I J. Biol. Res. 24 (1): 53-57 |
2018 |
Identification of Drought-tolerant Local Cowpea Varieties of Southwest Maluku (Indonesia). Karuwal RL, Suharsono, Tjahjoleksono A, Hanif N Makara J Sci. 22 (4): 179-186 |
2018 |
Introduksi Gen Sitrat Sintase Pseudomonas aeruginosa ke Nicotiana tabacum dan Jatropha curcas untuk Meningkatkan Toleransi terhadap Cekaman Aluminium Tistama R, Widyastuti U, Suharsono S Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi 2 (2), 226-235 |
2017 |
Soluble expression and purification of hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) subgenotype B3 in Escherichia coli using thioredoxin fusion tag
HM Rahmah Waty, Apon Zaenal Mustopa, Suharsono, Ratih Asmana Ningrum Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 7 (8), 489-501, 2017 |
2017 |
Genetic improvement of potato plants
S Suharsono 한국작물학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 12-12, 2017 |
2017 |
Physiological responses of some local cowpea from Southwest Maluku (Indonesia) varieties to drought stress
RL Karuwal, Suharsono, A Tjahjoleksono, N Hanif Biodiversitas 18 (4), 1294-1299, 2017 |
2017 |
The production of SPusp45-MSP-119 gene construct and its recombinant protein in Lactococcus lactis to be used as a malaria vaccine
AVA Kusuma, AZ Mustopha, WZ Mustafawi, Suharsono Medical Journal of Indonesia 26 (4), 261-269, 2017 |
2017 |
Introduction of Hd3a gene in IPB CP1 potato cultivar through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation under the control of 35S CaMV promoter
N Gea, Suharsono, GA Wattimena, U Widyastuti Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology 14 (2), 129-134, 2017 |
2017 |
Agrobacterium tumefaciens- mediated transformation of MmCu/Zn-SOD gene to sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum cv PS 864) for acidic soil stress tolerance
IM Fitri Damayanti, Suharsono, Aris Tjahjoleksono International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 19 (6), 1489-1496, 2017 |
2017 |
N Masykura, M Yunus, R Yusril, J Zaini, SL Andarini, A Hudoyo, ... RESPIROLOGY 22, 73-73, 2017 |
2017 |
Somaclonal variation induction of Bogor taro (Colocasia esculenta) by gamma irradiation Nurilmala F, Hutagaol RP, Widhyastini IM, Widyastuti U, Suharsono Biodiversitas |
2017 |
Overexpression of Hevea brasiliensis ethylene response factor HbERF‐IXc5 enhances growth, tolerance to abiotic stress and affects laticifer differentiation
R Lestari, M Rio, F Martin, J Leclercq, N Woraathasin, S Roques, ... Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017 |
2017 |
A Farhanah, Suharsono, GA Wattimena, U Widyastuti Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology, 37 - 42, 2017 |
2017 |
AJ Borlay, Suharsono, Roberdi, L Tony Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology, 55 - 62, 2017 |
2017 |
Somaclonal variation induction of Bogor taro (Colocasia esculenta) by gamma irradiation.
S Nurilmala F, Hutagaol RP, Widhyastini IM, Widyastuti U Biodiversitas 18 (1), 28-33, 2017 |
2017 |
Transformation of MmCuZn-SOD Gen On Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Through Agrobacterium tumefaciens
F Damayanti, UW Suharsono, A Tjajoleksono, I Mariska Green Development International Conference (GDIC 2016), 94, 2016 |
2016 |
Cloning of transgutaminase gene from Steptomyces thioluteus TTA 02 SDS 14
Sepriyanto, DS Zilda, YN Fawzya, Suharsono, P Lisdiyanti, AR Uria Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology 11 (1 …, 2016 |
2016 |
Cupredoxin domain of particula te methane monooxygenase (pMMO) g ene expression in recombinant Escherichia coli
TSN Afiah, Suharsono, I Rusmana Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 12 (1), 56-61, 2016 |
2016 |
SH Triana, Alimuddin, U Widyastuti, Suharsono, E Suryati, A Parenrengi Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology 13 (4), 221-230, 2016 |
2016 |
Establishment of# Hevea brasiliensis# lines overexpressing genes involved in ethylene signalling pathway
R Lestari, M Rio, F Martin, J Leclercq, F Dessailly, S Suharsono, ... Menara Perkebunan 84 (1), 43-48, 2016 |
2016 |
Juvenile Hevea transgenic plants over-expressing transcription factor HbERF-IXc5 develop more latex cells than wild-type material
R Lestari, M Rio, F Martin, J Leclercq, F Dessailly, C Sanier, S Melliti, ... CRRI, 2016 |
2016 |
Constitutive expression of Candida antarctica Lipase B (CALB) in Pichia pastoris using pGAPZα vector
S Wahyuni FD, Fuad AM Annales Bogorienses 20 (1), 29-36, 2016 |
2016 |
Establishment of Hevea brasiliensis lines overexpressing genes involved in ethylene signalling pathway
R Lestari, M Rio, F Martin, J Leclercq, F Dessailly, S Suharsono, ... |
2016 |
Systems Agronomy Collaboration between Japanese and Indonesian Agriculture Industries focused on Potato Cultivation
S Hartono Wijaya, D Indrawibawa, S Suharsono, K Nakamura, ... 日本化学会情報化学部会誌 34 (2), 53, 2016 |
2016 |
Cloning and Heterologous Expression of Extracellular Plantaricin F Produced by Lactobacillus plantarum S34 Isolated from “Bekasam” in Lactococcus lactis
AZ Mustopa, H Murtiyaningsih, Fatimah, S Suharsono Microbiology Indonesia, 95-106, 2016 |
2016 |
SH Triana, Alimuddin, U Widyastuti, Suharsono, E Suryati, DA Parenrengi JURNAL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI KELAUTAN TROPIS 8 (1), 249-258, 2016 |
2016 |
Juvenile# Hevea# transgenic plants over-expressing transcription factor# HbERF-IXc5# develop more latex cells than wild-type material
R Lestari, M Rio, F Martin, J Leclercq, F Dessailly, C Sanier, S Melliti, ... CRRI, 2016 |
2016 |
Expression analysis of Jatropha curcas L almt gene under lw pH and aluminum stress
R Yuniati, U Widyastuti, Suharsono AIP Conference Proceeding 1729 (020062), 020062-1 - 020062-4, 2016 |
2016 |
Genetic transformation of tobacco plant using inhibitor meristem activity (IMA) gene
S Paserang AP, Tjahjoleksono A, Widyastuti A Pak. J. Biotechnol. 13 (2), 125-131, 2016 |
2016 |
Genetic transformation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Nooksack with FBPase/ClRan1 genes mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
WU Fatahillah, Suharsono Pak. J. Biotechnol. 13 (3), 187-192, 2016 |
2016 |
Species-specific loci of three Indonesian Durio inferred from ISSR fingerprinting
CT Riupassa PA, Miftahudin, Suharsono Annual Research & Review in Biology 10 (5), 1-11, 2016 |
2016 |
System agronomy collaboration between Japanese and Indonesian agriculture industries focused on potato cultivation
KS Wijaya SW, Indrawibawa D, Suharsono, Nakamura K, Nishijima K, Takagishi H ... CICSJ Bulletin 34 (2), 53-58, 2016 |
2016 |
Cloning and Expression of Plantaricin W Produced by Lactobacillus plantarum U10 Isolate from “Tempoyak” Indonesian Fermented Food as Immunity Protein in Lactococcus lactis
AC Lages, AZ Mustopa, L Sukmarini, Suharsono Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 177 (4), 909-922, 2015 |
2015 |
Transformation of Inhibitor of Meristem Activity (IMA) Gene into Jatropha curcas L.
AP Paserang, A Tjahjoleksono, U Widyastuti, S Suharsono Makara Journal of Science 19 (3), 117-122, 2015 |
2015 |
F Damayanti, UW Suharsono, I Mariska Exploration and Conservation of Biodiversity, 279, 2015 |
2015 |
Cloning and expression of plantaricin W produced by Lactobacillus plantarum U10 isolate from “Tempoyak” Indonesia fermented food as immunity protein in Lactobacillus lactis. Lages AC, Mustopa AZ, Sukmarini L, Suharsono. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. |
2015 |
Efficient genetic transformation of Jatropha curcas L. by means of vacuum infiltration combined with filter-paper wicks Nanasato Y, Kido M, Kato A, Ueda T, Suharsono S, Widyastuti U, Tsujimoto H, Akashi K. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. 51:399–406. |
2015 |
Construction, expression and purification of recombinant pre-mature peptide of plantaricin F from Lactobacillus plantarum S34 in Escherichia coli. Kusdianawati, Mustopa AZ, Suharsono, Budiarto BR, Fatimah, Danuri H Indon. J. Agric. Sci. 16 (1): 31-38. |
2015 |
The Molecular Diversity-based ISSR of Durio tanjungpurensis Originating from West Kalimantan, Indonesia Riupassa PA, Chikmawati T, Miftahudin, Suharsono Makara J. Sci. 19 (1): 27-36 |
2015 |
Construction, expression and purification of recombinant pre-mature peptide of plantaricin F from Lactobacillus plantarum S34 in Escherichia coli
Kusdianawati, AZ Mustopa, Suharsono, R Budiarto, H Danuri Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science 16 (1), 31-38, 2015 |
2015 |
Transformation of inhibitor of meristem activity (IMA) gene into Jatropha curcas L
S Asri Pirade Paserang, Aris Tjahjoleksono, Utut Widyastuti Makara Journal of Science 19 (3), 117-122, 2015 |
2015 |
Production of Hevea brasiliensis transgenic lines overexpressing transcription factors involved in ethylene signalling pathway
R Lestari, M Rio, F Martin, J Pirrello, F Dessailly, J Leclercq, S Suharsono, ... Prince of Songkla University, 2015 |
2015 |
Production of# Hevea brasiliensis# transgenic lines overexpressing transcription factors involved in ethylene signalling pathway
R Lestari, M Rio, F Martin, J Pirrello, F Dessailly, J Leclercq, S Suharsono, ... Prince of Songkla University, 2015 |
2015 |
Introgresi Gen CsNitr1-L dari Transgenik Nipponbare ke Ciherang dan Analisis Pewarisannya pada Generasi BC3F4
Nazarudin, Suharsono, Sustiprijatno J. Agron. Indonesia 42 (3), 173-179, 2014 |
2014 |
Is Jatropha a miracle crop producing high yields on marginal lands
M Slingerland, J Tjeuw, S Suharsono, DR Purwati JARAK, the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia. IIAS. E …, 2014 |
2014 |
In vitro growth and rooting of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) on medium with different concentrations of plant growth regulator Harahap F, Poerwanto R, Suharsono, Suriani C, Rahayu S. Hayati 21 (4): 151-158 |
2014 |
Hubungan metilasi DNA dengan ekspresi Gen MADS-box pada buah mantel tanaman kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Anischan M, Suharsono, Toruan-Mathius N, Kusnandar AS. J. Agron. Indon. 42 (3): 215-221 |
2014 |
Introgresi Gen CsNitr1-L dari transgenik Nipponbare ke Ciherang dan analisis pewarisannya pada generasi BC3F4. Nazarudin, Suharsono, Sustiprijatno J. Agron. Indon. 42 (3): 173- 179 |
2014 |
Isolasi dan pengklonan gen penyandi H+-ATPase membran plasma dari Melastoma malabathricum L. Muzuni, Sopandie D, Suharsono UW, Suharsono. J. Agron. Indonesia 42 (1): 80-88 |
2014 |
RNAi dari Fragmen 3’UTR Gen Penyandi H+-ATPase Membran Plasma Melastoma malabathricum L. dapat Menghambat Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tersebut
D Sopandie, UW Suharsono Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 41 (2), 2014 |
2014 |
Productivity of Several Lines of Soybean in Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia
A Astuti, EDJ Supena |
2014 |
Is Jatropha a miracle crop producing high yields on marginal lands?
M Slingerland, J Tjeuw, S Suharsono, RD Purwat JARAK, the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia. IIAS. E …, 2014 |
2014 |
RNAi dari Fragmen 3’UTR Gen Penyandi H+-ATPase Membran Plasma Melastoma malabathricum L. dapat Menghambat Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tersebut
D Sopandie, UW Suharsono Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 41 (2) |
2014 |
Is jatropha a miracle crop?
MA Slingerland, J Tjeuw, S Suharsono, RD Purwati JARAK, the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia, 2014 |
2014 |
RNAi dari Fragmen 3'UTR Gen Penyandi H+-ATPase Membran Plasma Melastoma Malabathricum L. Dapat Menghambat Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tersebut
M Muzuni, D Sopandie, UW Suharsono, S Suharsono Indonesian Journal of Agronomy 41 (2), 2013 |
2013 |
Jathropha: from an iconic biofuel crop to a green-policy parasite
HGC Schulte Nordholt, GA van Klinken, J Vel, S Afiff, D Simandjuntak, ... IIAS Newsletter 66, 2013 |
2013 |
Jatropha: from an iconic biofuel crop to a green-policy parasite. IIAS Programmes, networks and initiatives
J Vel, D Simandjuntak, L van Rooijen, HCA Widjaja, S Afiff, G van Klinken, ... The newsletter/IIAS 2013 (13), 5-5, 2013 |
2013 |
Improving food, energy and environment with better crops. 7th Asian Crop Science Association Conference, IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, Indonesia, 27-30 September …
H Ehara, H Minarsih, KG Wiryawan, M Yunus, TM Ermayanti, U Widyastuti Improving food, energy and environment with better crops. 7th Asian Crop …, 2013 |
2013 |
RNAi dari Fragmen 3’UTR Gen Penyandi H+-ATPase Membran Plasma Melastoma malabathricum L. dapat Menghambat Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tersebut Muzuni, Sopandie D, Suharsono UW, Suharsono. J. Agron. Indonesia 41 (2): 167-174 |
2013 |
RNAi dari Fragmen 3'UTR Gen Penyandi H+-ATPase Membran Plasma Melastoma Malabathricum L. Dapat Menghambat Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tersebut
M Muzuni, D Sopandie, UW Suharsono, S Suharsono Indonesian Journal of Agronomy 41 (2), 77490, 2013 |
2013 |
Molecular cloning of gene fragment encoding 4-coumarate: Coenzyme A ligase of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria)
SN Hartati, E Sudarmonowati, S Suharsono, K Sofyan Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 15 (1), 2013 |
2013 |
Improving food, energy and environment with better crops. 7th Asian Crop Science Association Conference, IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, Indonesia, 27-30 September 2011.
H Ehara, H Minarsih, KG Wiryawan, M Yunus, TM Ermayanti, U Widyastuti Improving food, energy and environment with better crops. 7th Asian Crop …, 2013 |
2013 |
Isolation, Cloning and Characterization of Actin-Encoding cDNAs from Jatropha curcas L. IP-2P
R Yuniati, U Widyastuti, D Sopandie, A Yokota, S Suharsono Makara Journal of Science, 168-172, 2012 |
2012 |
Physiological and Biochemical Responses to Aluminum Stress in the Root of a Biodiesel Plant Jatropha curcas L.
R Tistama, U Widyastuti, D Sopandie, A Yokota, K Akashi HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19 (1), 37-43, 2012 |
2012 |
Transformasi genetika padi dengan perantara Rhizhobium dan agrobacterium dan analisis peranan gen OsHox6: Laporan Disertasi
S Rahmawati Sekolah Pascasarjana-IPB, 2012 |
2012 |
Establishment of bispyribac selection protocols for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-and Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of the oil seed plant Jatropha curcas L.
M Kajikawa, K Morikawa, M Inoue, U Widyastuti, S Suharsono, A Yokota, ... Plant Biotechnology 29 (2), 145-153 |
2012 |
Isolasi Gen Penyandi Peroksidase melalui Penapisan terhadap Pustaka Genom Kedelai Kultivar Slamet
F Rachman, UW Astuti Jurnal Natur Indonesia 12 (01), 2012 |
2012 |
Development of KaPPA-View4 for omics studies on Jatropha and a database system KaPPA-Loader for construction of local omics databases
N Sakurai, Y Ogata, T Ara, R Sano, N Akimoto, A Hiruta, H Suzuki, ... Plant Biotechnology 29 (2), 131-135 |
2012 |
Using information from relatives and path analysis to select for yield and seed size in soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill).
E Jambormias, SH Sutjahjo, M Jusuf SABRAO Journal of Breeding & Genetics 43 (1), 2011 |
2011 |
YC Sulistyaningsih, A Hartana, U Widyastuti, H Hamim, S Suharsono Berita Biologi 10 (6), 737-748, 2011 |
2011 |
S Hannum, K Akashi, UW Suharsono, A Hartana, A Yokota MAKARA of Science Series 14 (2), 2011 |
2011 |
2011 |
Pengaruh pemberian Mikoriza terhadap pertumbuhan nenas bogor (lokal bangka) di PMK Bangka
S Suharsono, ED Mustikarini Jurnal Enviargo |
2011 |
Isolasi, pengklonan, dan konstruksi RNAi Gen Penyandi H+-ATPase membran plasma dari Melastoma malabathricum L.
D Sopandie, UW Suharsono IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011 |
2011 |
Comparative analysis of rice transformation using Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Rhyzobium leguminosarum
S Rahmawati, OA Jefferson, D Sopandie, S Suharsono, IH Slamet-Loedin Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 15 (1), 2010 |
2010 |
Karakter root re-growth sebagai parameter toleransi aluminium pada tanaman padi
DI Roslim, U Suharsono, H Aswidinnoor, A Hartana Jurnal Natur Indonesia 13 (01) |
2010 |
Screening of Genomic Library of Soybean Cultivar Lumut by Using Peroxidase Gene from Arabidopsis thaliana as Probe
S Suharsono, T Juliyanto, M Jusuf Jurnal ILMU DASAR 11 (1) |
2010 |
S Firdaus, UWS Suharsono Makara Journal of Science, 2010 |
2010 |
S Rahayu, C Kusmana, R Abdulhadi, M Jusuf, S Suharsono Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research 7 (1), 42-52, 2010 |
2010 |
Isolation of cDNA Fragment of Gene Encoding for Actin from Melastoma malabthricum.
A Yokota, A Hartana, UW Suharsono, K Akashi, S Hannum Makara Seri Sains 14 (2), 163-167, 2010 |
2010 |
Isolasi Dan Ekspresi Gen Dalam Rangka Perakitan Tanaman Yang Toleran Terhadap Cekaman Asam Dan Aluminium
M Jusuf, U Widyastuti IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010 |
2010 |
Isolasi dan Pengklonan Fragmen cDNA Gen Penyandi H+-ATPase Membran Plasma dari Melastoma malabathricum L.
D Sopandie, UW Suharsono Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 38 (1), 2010 |
2010 |
Isolation and Cloning of cDNA of Gene Encoding for Metallothionein Type 2 from Soybean [Glycine max (L.)(Merrill)] cv. Slamet
S SUHARSONO, Y ANWAR, U WIDYASTUTI Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 10 (3), 2009 |
2009 |
Pembentukan Tanaman Cabai Haploid Melalui Induksi Ginogenesis dengan Menggunakan Serbuk Sari yang Diradiasi Sinar Gamma
M Alwi, A Purwito Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 37 (2), 2009 |
2009 |
Analisis Generasi F2 dan Seleksi Pertama dari Persilangan Kedelai antara Kultivar Slamet dan Wase
M Jusuf Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 37 (1), 2009 |
2009 |
Isolation and Cloning of cDNA Fragment of Gene Encoding for Multidrug Resistance Associated Protein from M. affine
Suharsono, S Firdaus, UW Suharsono MAKARA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 12 (2), 102-107, 2008 |
2008 |
Isolasi dan pengklonan fragmen cDNA dari gen penyandi multidrug resistance associated protein dari Melastoma affine
SF Suharsono, UW Suharsono Makara Sains 12 (2), 102-107, 2008 |
2008 |
Proses Kolonisasi Dan Kelangsungan Hidup Cendawan Transforman Aspergillus Sp.-Gfp Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hayati Vektor Demam Berdarah
UW Suharsono, N Sukarno, UK Hadi IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2008 |
2008 |
Isolasi dan pengklonan fragmen cDNA dari gen penyandi multidrug resistance associated prot ein dari Melastoma affine
FS Suharsono, UW Suharsono Makara Sains 12 (102), e7, 2008 |
2008 |
Isolation and Cloning of cDNA Fragment of Gene Encoding for Multidrug Resistance Associated Protein from M. affine.
UW Suharsono, S Firdaus Makara Seri Sains 12 (2), 102-107, 2008 |
2008 |
Facilities (central laboratory) and training (summer schools)
S Suharsono, AW van Heusden |
2007 |
Evaluation of crucial factors for implementing shed-microspore culture of Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars
EDJ Supena, W Muswita, S Suharsono, JBM Custers Scientia horticulturae 107 (3), 226-232, 2006 |
2006 |
Successful development of a shed-microspore culture protocol for doubled haploid production in Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
EDJ Supena, S Suharsono, E Jacobsen, JBM Custers Plant cell reports 25 (1), 1-10 |
2006 |
Evaluation of crucial factors for implementing shed-microspore culture of Indonesian hot pepper (< i> Capsicum annuum</i> L.) cultivars
EDJ Supena, W Muswita, S Suharsono, JBM Custers Scientia horticulturae 107 (3), 226-232 |
2006 |
Analisis ragam, heritabilitas dan pendugaan kemajuan seleksi populasi F2 dari persilangan kedelai kultivar Slamet x Nokonsawon
MJ Suharsono, AP Paserang Tanaman Tropika 9 (2), 86-93 |
2006 |
Analisis gen penyandi protein heterotrimerik G subunit α yang terlibat dalam sistem toleransi tanaman kedelai terhadap cekaman aluminium
UW Suharsono IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006 |
2006 |
Perakitan gen protein fluoresen (gfp) pada aspergillus sp. Untuk studi ekologi sebagai agen pengendali hayati vektor demam berdarah
N Sukarno, UW Suharsono IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006 |
2006 |
Transformasi Genetik Tanaman Kentang cv. Atlantik Dengan Mengintroduksikan Gen Hordothionin untuk Mendapatkan Ketahanan terhadap Penyakit Bakteri
GA Wattimena, A Purwito, NMA Wiendi Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 31 (2), 2003 |
2003 |
Sony Suharsono, H
AH Bahagiawati, SB Sutrisno, DS Karden Mulya Rlzjaani, E. Juliantini, A, Estiatí, S. Muljopawito, A. Rahayu, dan S. Saono |
2003 |
Genetic diversity analysis of tall coconut from Mollucas employing random amplified polymorphic DNA
I Matondang, A Hartana Hayati (Indonesia), 2001 |
2001 |
Keanekaragaman genetika kelapa ‘Genjah Jombang’berdasarkan random amplified polymorphic DNA
PKD Hayati, A Hartana, AH Suharsono Hayati 7: 35 40, 2000 |
2000 |
E., Carde, JP, Litvak, S., Araya A., and Mouras, A.(1998) Impairment of tapetum and mitochondria in engineered male-sterile tobacco plants
M Hernould, Z Suharsono Plant Molecular Biology 36, 499-508 |
2000 |
S. Araya, A. & Mouras, A.(1993). Male-sterility induction in transgenic tobacco plants with an unedited atp9 mitochondrial gene from wheat
M Hernould, SL Suharsono Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 2370-2374 |
2000 |
Suharsono and Araya, A.(1996). Transgenic male-sterile plant induced by an unedited atp9 gene is restored to fertility by inhibiting its expression with antisense RNA
E Zabaleta, A Mouras, M Hernould Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the USA 93, 11259-11263 |
2000 |
Suharsono. 2003. Genetic similarity of three tall coconut populations based on three methods of RAPD marker data analysis
DI Roslim, A Hartana Hayati 10, 12-18 |
2000 |
Keanekaragaman genetika kelapa ‘Genjah Jombang’berdasarkan random amplified polymorphic DNA
PKD Hayati, A Hartana, AH Suharsono Hayati 7: 35 40 |
2000 |
Suharsono. 2003
S Hannum, A Hartana Kemiripan genetic a empat populasi kelapa Genjah berdasarkan Random ... |
2000 |
Suharsono, dan H
PKD Hayati, A Hartana Aswidinnoor |
2000 |
Suharsono. 2003. Kemiripan genetika tiga populasi kelapa tipe dalam berdasarkan tiga metode analisis data penanda RAPD
DI Roslim, A Hartana Hayati 10 (1), 12-18 |
2000 |
Suharsono. 2007. Keragaan dan keragaman genetik sifat-sifat kuantitatif kedelai (Glycine max L. Merrill) pada Generasi Seleksi F6 persilangan varietas Slamet× Nakhonsawan
E Jambormias, SH Sutjahjo, M Jusuf Bul. Agron, 168-175 |
2000 |
Suharsono. 2004. Keragaan, Keragaman Genetik dan Heritabilitas Sebelas Sifat Kuantitatif Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merrill) pada Generasi Seleksi F5
E Jambormias, SH Sutjahjo, M Jusuf Jurnal Pertanian Kepulauan 3 (2), 115-124 |
2000 |
Penuntun Praktikum Pelatihan Teknik Pengklonan Gen dan Pengurutan DNA
S Suharsono Pusat Antar Universitas IPB, Bogor |
2000 |
Suharsono. 2003. Hubungan genetika populasi kelapa dalam Banyuwangi, Lubuk Pakam, dan Paslaten berdasarkan analisis RAPD (Random Apmlified Polimorphic DNA)
ID Roslim, A Hartana Jurnal Natur Indonesia 6 (1), 5-10 |
2000 |
Suharsono & Hartana A. 2001
I Matondang Analisis keanekaragaman genetik kelapa dalam asal Maluku menggunakan teknik ... |
2000 |
Suharsono. 1998
EF Lengkong, A Hartana Keragaman genetika beberapa kultivar kelapa berdasarkan penanda RAPD, 1-12 |
2000 |
Dasumiati. 2007. Analisis ragam dan seleksi populasi F3 dari persilangan kedelai kultivar Slamet× Nokonsawon
MJ Suharsono J. Tanaman Tropika 10, 21-28 |
2000 |
Suharsono. 1996
L Novita, A Hatana Cross compabilities among orange-flesh sweet potato clones. Hayati 3 (2), 37-42 |
2000 |
B6gu D, Graves PV, Hernould M, Litvak S, Mouras A, Suharsono S (1993) Of RNA editing and cytoplasmic male sterility in plants
A Araya Plant mitochondria. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft/VCH Publishers, Weinheim |
2000 |
Suharsono, 2011. Using information from relatives and path analysis to select for yield and seed size in soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill)
E Jambormias, SH Sutjahjo, M Yusuf SABRAO J. Breed. Genet 43 (1), 44-58 |
2000 |
C usters JBM, 2006. Successful development of flashed-microspore culture protocol for doubled haploid production in Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
EDJ Supena, S Suharsono, J Jacobsen Plant Cell Rep 25 (1), 1-10 |
2000 |
M. 2006a. Evaluation of crucial factors for implementing shed-microspore culture of Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars
EDJ Supena, W Muswita, S Suharsono, JB Custers Sci Hortic 107, 226-232 |
2000 |
Sutjihno, dan Suharsono. 1991
IH Sumantri Pengaruh koefisien keragaman pada analisis stabilitas hasil galurFgalur padi ... |
2000 |
Suharsono. 2004
SD Runtunuwu, A Hartana Teknik RAPD Kelapa dan Metode Ekstraksi DNA dan Kit PCR yang Berbeda. Dalam ... |
2000 |
Kcserasian Silang Beberapa Klon Ubi Jalar Berdaging Umbi Jingga {Cross Compatibilities Among Orange-Flesh Sweet Potato Clones)
2000 |
A Purwito, GA Wattimena, A Suwanto, IHSL Suharsono, H Aswidinnoor Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 27 (1) |
1999 |
RNA editing in plant mitochondria, cytoplasmic male sterility and plant breeding.
A Araya, E Zabaleta, V Blanc, D Bégu, M Hernould, A Mouras, S Litvak Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 1 (1), 06-07, 1998 |
1998 |
Impairment of tapetum and mitochondria in engineered male-sterile tobacco plants
M Hernould, S Suharsono, E Zabaleta, JP Carde, S Litvak, A Araya, ... Plant molecular biology 36 (4), 499-508 |
1998 |
Impairment of tapetum and mitochondria in engineered male-sterile tobacco plants
A Mouras, M Hernould, S Suharsono, E Zabaleta, JP Carde, S Litvak, ... Plant Molecular Biology (Netherlands) |
1998 |
Transgenic male-sterile plant induced by an unedited atp9 gene is restored to fertility by inhibiting its expression with antisense RNA
E Zabaleta, A Mouras, M Hernould, A Araya Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (20), 11259-11263, 1996 |
1996 |
7. Of RNA Editing and Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in
A Araya, D Begu, PV Graves, M Hernould, S Litvak, A Mouras, ... Plant Mitochondria: With Emphasis on RNA Editing and Cytoplasmic Male …, 1993 |
1993 |
Protein import into chloroplasts
H Alefsen, J Soll VCH, 1993 |
1993 |
Male-sterility induction in transgenic tobacco plants with an unedited atp9 mitochondrial gene from wheat.
M Hernould, S Suharsono, S Litvak, A Araya, A Mouras Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (6), 2370-2374 |
1993 |
Of RNA editing and cytoplasmic male sterility in plants.
A Araya, D Begu, PV Graves, M Hernould, S Litvak, A Mouras, ... Plant mitochondria: with emphasis on RNA editing and cytoplasmic male ... |
1993 |
Of RNA Editing and Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in
SL Hernould, A Mouras, S Suharsono Plant Mitochondria: With Emphasis on RNA Editing and Cytoplasmic Male …, 1993 |
1993 |
Effet du gène mitochondrial atp9 non-édité sur la fertilité, chez des plantes transgéniques de nicotiana tabacum
Suharsono |
1993 |
Biotechnologies and development. Transgenic male-sterile plant production by transfection into nucleus of mutated mitochondrial gene
A Mouras, M Hernould, S Suharsono, S Litvak, A Araya Colloques de l'INRA (France) |
1991 |
Evaluasi klon PPN 2058, PPN 2444 dan PPN 2447 terhadap penyakit gugur daun Corynespora di beberapa kebun PT Perkebunan XVIII.
H Hadi, B Pudjihardjo, S Suharsono Risalah Penelitian Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Getas |
1990 |
Etude en serre et in vitro de la résistance du rosier à l'oïdium (Sphaerotheca pannosa (Wallr. ex Fr.) f. sp. rosae Wor.)
Suharsono |
1989 |
Suharsono and Araya, A.(1996) Transgenic male-sterile plant induced by an unedited atp9 gene is restored to fertility by inhibiting its expression with antisense RNA
E Zabaleta, A Mouras, M Hernould Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93 (20), 11259-63, 0 |
0000 |
Suharsono dan A. Hartana. 2001. Analisis keanekaragaman genetik kelapa dalam asal Maluku menggunakan teknik Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA
I Matondang Hayati 8, 31-34, 0 |
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