HAYATI, First and only Journal from Indonesia Accepted Online at Elsevier
- 11 August 2015
- Last modified at 26 November 2015
As one of the best universities in Indonesia, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) is determined to be a pioneer in improving the quality of scientific journals publishing management in Indonesia. To achieve this goal, IPB Rector and his management staff as well as those of HAYATI Journal of Biosciences (HAYATI J Biosci) had conducted several meetings with representatives of the leading publisher Elsevier for Asia since the middle of 2014. One result of the meeting is an agreement to manage and publish HAYATI J Biosci by Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science (Natural Sciences) of IPB and the Indonesian Association of Biology in the website and portal pages of scientific articles belonging to Elsevier Science Direct.
This cooperation was officially made by signing the Letter of Intent on Wednesday, 29 April 2015 and Hosting and Production Agreement on Thursday, 21 May 2015. On Wednesday, 5 August, 2015, the scientific journal HAYATI J Biosci was finally officially online on Elsevier and ready to operate with all the features and information available. Currently, HAYATI J Biosci is the first and only one from Indonesia to meet the strict criteria to be managed and produced together with Elsevier.
With this partnership, managers, reviewers, authors, and readers of HAYATI J Biosci can use the various facilities provided by Elsevier such as scientific articles portal of Science Direct, an online manuscript management system EES / EVISE, membership in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Cross Mark to maintain the integrity of the text information, anti-plagiarism software-Thenticate, long-term archiving in various international archival institutions, Article of the Future Innovation and Article Alert, and optimization of the search engine Google.
The presence of HAYATI J Biosci in and Science Direct adds to the long list of accomplishments of HAYATI J Biosci in publishing scientific journals in Indonesia. Since published in 1994 under the direction of Ir. Agustin W. Gunawan, MS., Dr. Ir. Dedy Duryadi Solihin DEA and Prof. Dr. Ir. Antonius Suwanto M.Sc., HAYATI J Biosci has always been one of the national leading scientific journals accredited by the Higher Education. In 2007 under the leadership of Dr. Ir. Rika Raffiudin M.Si. as Chief Editor (2004-2007), HAYATI J Biosci started internationalization by changing the written language from Indonesian to English and published online using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) in Indonesian pages belonging to the Higher Education Journal Online.
In 2009 under the leadership of Dr. Ir. Iman Rusmana M.Si. as Chief Editor (2008-2013), HAYATI J Biosci became the first journal of IPB as a member of Cross Ref and using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for all articles it publishes. In 2010, HAYATIJ Biosci also became a pioneer in the use of OJS on a server owned by IPB so that today almost all scientific journals of IPB can be accessed at HAYATI J Biosci also became the first scientific journal of IPB officially indexed by various agencies such as the Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) in 2010, CABI / Cab Direct (2011), EBSCO (2012), DRJI / UIFactor (2013), Agricola (2013), and ProQuest (2013).
Currently under the leadership of Dr. Berry Juliandi M.Si. as Chief Editor, HAYATI J Biosci is to become scientific journal that can be indexed by Scopus and Thomson ISI. The cooperation with Elsevier in the management of HAYATI J Biosci in 2015 is expected to improve various aspects of management and the management of scripts so that in 2016 the application of HAYATIJ Biosci in Scopus and Thomson ISI can be met.
Note: this article rewritten from here with some information added. HAYATI J Biosci at Elsevier
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