SUIJI SLP 2015: Great experience in Kashiwajima, Shikoku Island, Japan.
- 14 November 2015
- Last modified at 14 November 2015
By : Immas Yuli Andani
(August, 18 – September, 7 2015) This is my first time arrived in Matsuyama Airport. I felt so excited! After that, Abi Chan as our Sensei and other Japanase student accompanied us to Matsuyama Youth Hostel to get orientation before going to Kashiwajima as my site for this program. SUIJI SLP is Six University Initiative Japan Indonesia Service Learning Program, that is have focus to learn about sustainable development, consisted of economy, sosial, and environment. When the first time arrived in Kashiwajima, I think is made me amazed. This is new experience at beautiful and clean place. Everything in here made me so grateful. I arrived at Kashiwajima with 14 other members and Kazu Sensei, we stayed at Kuroshio Zikkan Center. Mr. Kanda as a leader at Kuroshio Zikkan Center. He is a doctor who has a big dream and passion with Kashiwajima. He want to established Kashiwajima as a natural museum, so everyplace in Kashiwajima it can be place for study. Mr. Kanda give us explanation about Kashiwajima, and information about evacuation training if tsunami happens.
Kuroshio Zikkan Center in the old time as a Junior High School, but now as a Natural Museum for local citizent, various organization, or volunteers if want to stayed in Kashiwajima, at there we can saw a lot of picture that show many kind of deep sea fish and beautiful coral. Mr. Kanda have a concept for making Kashiwajima to be a great place, we called it “Sato-Umi or Home Ocean”. This concept to appreciation of nature, protection of both nature and people’s livelihood where they can harmoniously together. Kashiwajima is one of the best diving spot in Japan, very beautiful beach at there. Kashiwajima have one of big problem as a general problem in Japan, that is Depopulation. I can felt this atmosfer very different with Indonesia. Kashiwajima’s local people aged is 65 or over! So, this is our challenge in SUIJI SLP 2015. What we should I do? There are some programs that we have planned for this program. We do many activities such as walking around to observe Kashiwajima’s environment; interviewing to get communication with local people; snorkeling to observe marine environment; playing games together and discussion each other.
I am so grateful to know and saw the reality in Kashiwajima. The older people there, have a good spirit and strong, they still can be independent to live at there. Local people in Kashiwajima, really humble and usually told me about Kashiwajima story. Long time ago, Kashiwajima only a beach and local people there very poor, but now local people can get more income from catch a fish, fishing as a fisherman. I got new inspiration, new idea, and motivations from local people there. The local people are very kind hearted. I feel like I got a new familiy in Japan. Japanase student is have a good dicipline, always appreciate time and have a good spirit. This is the first time I participate in this program. I got experience about communicate with local people in Japan, there are so many humble. I really love cooking and dancing, and the unforgettable moment when I can shared and teached Ondel-Ondel traditional dance from Jakarta to other SUIJI Kashiwajima member, and then we can dancing it in front of local people in cultural sharing. I’m really happy. I also had amazing experience with Japanase friends, they are so excited to know about Indonesian language. They are interested to learn about Indonesia. It makes me want to learn Japanase language more better with a good spirit like Japanase student.
The first time for me to fishing in the Pacific Ocean, snorkeling, and look many beautiful fish and coral underwater sea by boat, cleaning wilding in the well, we cooked traditional food (Tempura and Ohagi) together with local people society that is wonderful experience. Another experience that I got is can wearing Furisode in the cultural sharing, I’m so grateful can use traditional dress from Japan, thank you for all local people from Kashiwajima for give me this opportunity to be more closer with Kashiwajima. SUIJI SLP-Service Learning Program really make me have a lot of friends, not only in Indonesia, but I got more friend in Japan.
I also happy to can got communication with Wakiguchi Hiroshi as a President Directur of Kochi University. This program make me more confident and believe if I wanna get good something in my life, I must try and do hard work to get a good result. I learned about more polite, more humble, and be kindly if I meet someone, always be respect to everyone, not only to the older people, but to the younger than us too. I really loved Kashiwajima. I felt Kashiwajima as my second home and found my new family. I hope I can go to there again someday. Ganbatte kudasai!
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