Indonesian Ethnobotany
- Last modified at 9 January 2017

Indonesian Ethnobotany
Credit: 3 (2-1)
The course is intended to discuss and explore Indonesian ethnobotany, which includes ethnomedicine, ethnopharmacology, ethnoecology, traditional agriculture, traditional food and spice, plant for spirit and art, as well as plant utilization and conservation. In the first four weeks, students will be introduced to basic knowledge on methods in ethnobotany, plant diversity, plant structure and histochemistry, plant secondary metabolites, and Indonesian cultural diversity. The course will be enriched with laboratory works and field trips to the Indonesian Miniature Garden, Ethnic Village, Kampoeng Jamu, Holistic Hospital, and Saung Ujo Traditional Music Show.
Learning Outcomes
After finishing the course, students are expected to know and understand how plants are utilized by many different Indonesian tribes in their daily life, such as plants for food, health, medicine, art, spirit, agriculture and agroforestry.
- Introduction: Definition and Scope Methods in Ethnobotany
- Plant Diversity*
- Plant Structure and Histochemistry*
- Plant Secondary Metabolite
- Indonesian Cultural Diversity
- Jamu (Indonesian traditional medicine) and Local Wisdom
- Ethnomedicine
- Ethnopharmacology
- Plant of Mind, Spirit, and Art
- Traditional Agriculture
- Traditional Food and Spice
- Ethnoecology
- Agroforestry
- Plant Utilization and Conservation