Judul |
Tahun |
Screening of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Silage Inoculant Candidate
R Ridwan, WD Astuti, R Fidriyanto, S Meliah, KA Sarwono, A Fitri, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1377 (1), 012082, 2024
2024 |
Expression of soluble moloney murine leukemia virus-reverse transcriptase in Escherichia coli BL21 star (DE3) using autoinduction system
CV Handayani, FA Laksmi, A Andriani, I Nuryana, NR Mubarik, ...
Molecular Biology Reports 51 (1), 1-11, 2024
2024 |
Biosurfactant Activity of Bacillus sp. Strain LP04 Isolate and Its Antifungal Potency against Ganoderma boninense and Fusarium sp.
VFA Maherani, NR Mubarik, JA Priyanto, IP Putra
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 31 (4), 725-732, 2024
2024 |
The Potential of Clove Rhizospheric Bacteria to Produce Vanillin from Eugenol
RI Nurfahmi, NR Mubarik, I Rusmana, IR Tambunan, A Akhdiya
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 31 (4), 702-711, 2024
2024 |
Co-catalysis of melanin degradation by laccase-manganese peroxidase complex from Trametes hirsuta OK271075 for application in whitening cosmetics
D Nadhilah, A Andriani, E Agustriana, I Nuryana, NR Mubarik, KS Dewi, ...
Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 42 (2), 273-285, 2024
2024 |
Peranan Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) Varietas Bonita pada Kondisi Salin
A Ratnasari, NR Mubarik, A Tjahjoleksono
Jurnal Sumberdaya Hayati 9 (4), 171-177, 2023
2023 |
The Potential of Endophytic Bacteria as the Biocontrol Agents of Fusarium proliferatum
R Ernia, NR Mubarik, LI Sudirman
Makara Journal of Science 27 (4), 7, 2023
2023 |
The disease suppression of soybean (var. Grobogan) by the implementation of Bacillus subtilis strain CR. 9 antifungal compounds nanoemulsion
RE Putri, NR Mubarik, L Ambarsari, AT Wahyudi
Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 22 (6), 384-393, 2023
2023 |
Seleksi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Halotoleran Penghasil Enzim Amilase Dari Produk Fermentasi Ikan-Inasua
KED Gunawan, JA Priyanto, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Sumberdaya Hayati 9 (3), 96-103, 2023
2023 |
Endophytic bacteria of clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.) leaves produce metabolites with antioxidant and anti-aging properties
LA Utami, WT Wahyuni, NR Mubarik, RI Astuti
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 13 (7), 241-250, 2023
2023 |
M Mashudi, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Purifikasi 22 (1), 32-39, 2023
2023 |
Antifungal Substances Produced by B. subtilis Strain W3. 15 Inhibit the Fusarium oxysporum and Trigger Cellular Damage
RE Putri, NR Mubarik, L Ambarsari, AT Wahyudi
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 30 (5), 843-854, 2023
2023 |
Construction of Novel Yeast Strains from Candida tropicalis KBKTI 10.5. 1 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae DBY1 to Improve the Performance of Ethanol Production Using …
EI Riyanti, NR Mubarik, E Listanto
Tropical Life Sciences Research 34 (2), 81, 2023
2023 |
Penapisan dan Karakterisasi Amilase dari Bakteri Asal Ekoenzim
N Ningtyas, NR Mubarik, M Rahayuningsih
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 28 (3), 441-448, 2023
2023 |
Pemodelan protein dan analisis molecular docking enzim β-glukanase solat Bacillus subtilis W3. 15
A Hanifitri, L Ambarsari, NR Mubarik
Menara Perkebunan 91 (1), 59-71, 2023
2023 |
Bacterial selection and characterization of chitinase enzyme from bacteria controlling Fusarium proliferatum
M Khairah, NR MUBARIK, LA Manaf
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 24 (3), 2023
2023 |
Antioxidant activity of various solvent extracts from endophytic bacteria isolated from girang (Leea indica) leaves
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 24 (1), 2023
2023 |
Cloning and Co-Expression of Lipase and its Specific Foldase from Ralstonia pickettii BK6
MA Syah, AA Satya, E Puspitasari, A Suwanto, NR Mubarik
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 30 (1), 71-80, 2023
2023 |
Contributions of soil biochemical properties as land productivity determinants for pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) plantation in Central Lampung Regency, Indonesia.
K Handayani, NR Mubarik, A Sutandi, DA Santosa, U Sudadi
Journal of Natural Resources & Environment Management/Jurnal Pengelolaan …, 2022
2022 |
The Contributions of Soil Biochemical Properties as Determinant of Pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) Plantation LandProductivity in Central Lampung Regency
NR Mubarik, A Sutandi, DA Santosa, U Sudadi
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural …, 2022
2022 |
Analysis of Soil Bacterial Diversity from Tropical Rainforest and Oil Palm Plantation In Jambi, Indonesia by 16S rRNA-DGGE Profiles.
RH Wibowo, NR Mubarik, I Rusmana, MT Suhartono
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity & Biotechnology 7 (2), 2022
2022 |
Analysis of Soil Bacterial Diversity from Tropical Rainforest and Oil Palm Plantation In Jambi, Indonesia by 16S rRNA-DGGE Profiles
NR Mubarik, I Rusmana, MT Suhartono, S Sipriyadi, M Masrukhin
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 7 (2), 68820, 2022
2022 |
An Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Workshop Daring Penerapan Ilmu Biologi di SMA Plus Al Wahid Tasikmalaya
NR Mubarik, M Dewi, JA Priyanto
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 8 (1), 93-100, 2022
2022 |
Aplikasi Bakteri Asam Laktat dari Inasua sebagai Biopreservatif Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.)
MA Dewi, NR Mubarik, D Desniar, S Budiarti
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 25 (1), 2022
2022 |
Antioxidant Activity of Endophytic Bacteria Derived from Hoya multiflora Blume Plant and Their Cellular Activities on Schizosaccharomyces pombe
NTG Pudjas, NR Mubarik, RI Astuti, LI Sudirman
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 29 (2), 214-221, 2022
2022 |
Antagonistic activity of glucanolytic bacteria Bacillus subtilis W3. 15 against Fusarium oxysporum and its enzyme characterization.
RE Putri, NR Mubarik, L Ambarsari, AT Wahyudi
Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (9), 2021
2021 |
SA Rahma, NR Mubarik, LA Manaf
Prosiding Biotik 9 (1), 2021
2021 |
M Adani, HF Putra, A Suryadi, I Abidin, NR Mubarik
Prosiding Biotik 9 (1), 2021
2021 |
Isolation, characterization, and screening of antioxidant activity of endophytic bacteria from Leea Indica (Burm. F) Merr. Leaf
D Arivo, NR Mubarik, I Rusmana, I Batubara
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 948 (1), 012066, 2021
2021 |
Isolation and Identification of potentially bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria from Sawi Asin
N Hidayah, I Rusmana, NR Mubarik
Natural Science: Journal of Science and Technology 10 (1), 16-19, 2021
2021 |
F Mahulette, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan 15 (1), 2021
2021 |
Characterization of Crude Amylase Activity from Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli
NR Mubarik, HA Surya
10th International Seminar and 12th Congress of Indonesian Society for …, 2021
2021 |
Characterization and application of nitrogen-fixing and indole-3-acetic acid producing bacteria A13 in Oil Palm (Elaeisguineensis Jacq.) seedling
I Isti'anah, NR Mubarik, A Tjahjoleksono
Journal of Microbial Systematics and Biotechnology 3 (1), 32-40, 2021
2021 |
Antagonistic activity of glucanolytic bacteria Bacillus subtilis W3. 15 against Fusarium oxysporum and its enzyme characterization
RE Putri, NR Mubarik, L Ambarsari, AT Wahyudi
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (9), 2021
2021 |
Isolation and Screening of Soil Chitinolytic Actinobacteria as the Anti-Fungal Producer of Plant Pathogens
RH Wibowo, S Sipriyadi, NR Mubarik, I Rusmana, MT Suhartono
Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology 6 (2), 273-286, 2020
2020 |
Soil Chitinolytic Bacteria from Jambi Province to Produce Antifungal of Plant Pathogens
RH Wibowo, S Sipriyadi, NR Mubarik, I Rusmana
Jurnal Mangifera Edu 5 (1), 26-37, 2020
2020 |
Isolation and characterization endophytic bacteria as biological control of fungus Colletotrichum sp. on onion plants (Allium cepa L.)
A Murtado, NR Mubarik, A Tjahjoleksono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 457 (1), 012043, 2020
2020 |
Isolation and characterization of indole-3-acetic acid producing bacteria from red onion rhizosphere
IU Zahroya, NR Mubarik, A Tjahjoleksono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 457 (1), 012046, 2020
2020 |
Seleksi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Penghasil Kitinase Penghambat Pertumbuhan Cendawan Patogen Tanaman
A Nurmalinda, NR Mubarik, L Sudirman
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 25 (1), 35-42, 2020
2020 |
Lipase-producing ability of bacteria from inasua (fish fermented product) from Central Moluccas, Indonesia
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (2), 2020
2020 |
Organic acid produced by lactic acid bacteria from bekasam as food biopreservatives
I Rusmana, A Suwanto, NR Mubarik
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 414 (1), 012003, 2020
2020 |
Characterization, identification, and analysis of bioactive compound of endophytic bacteria from Hoya multiflora Blume
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (1), 2020
2020 |
Increasing Hydrolytic Activity of Lipase on Palm Oil by PCR-Based Random Mutagenesis
MDFL Gaol, AA Satya, E Puspitasari, NR Mubarik, A Suwanto
International Journal of Oil Palm 3 (3), 78-87, 2020
2020 |
Biosurfactant-producing and anthracene-degrading bacteria from oil contaminated soil
TH Kurniati, I Rusmana, A Suryani, NR Mubarik
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (3), 033049, 2019
2019 |
Karakterisasi α-Amilase Bacillus firmus KH. 9.4 Alkalotoleran dari Limbah Cair Tapioka
N Rachmania, R Iswati, T Imas
Biota: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati 9 (3), 129-135, 2019
2019 |
Karakterisasi α-Amilase dari Aspergillus versicolor 3a1 yang Diproduksi pada Media Limbah Cair Tapioka
F Aini, NR Mubarik, LA Manaf
Biota: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati 14 (3), 180-191, 2019
2019 |
GC Nabilasani, T Siswodarsono, D Suhendar, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI) 6 (1), 20-28, 2019
2019 |
Isolation and Characterization of Indole-3-Acetic Acid Producing Bacteria from Cow Urine
NR Mubarik, IN Maslahah
Jurnal Biodjati 4 (1), 96-104, 2019
2019 |
Effect of Ethanol-Derived Clove Leaf Extract on the Oxidative Stress Response in Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
AF Fauzya, RI Astuti, NR Mubarik
International Journal of Microbiology 2019, 2019
2019 |
F Rachman, NR Mubarik, P Simanjuntak
Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI) 5 (2), 204-213, 2018
2018 |
Application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) to study the diversity of nitrification bacteria in tropical rain forest and oil palm plantation
I Rusmana, NR Mubarik, DA Santosa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1116 (5), 052082, 2018
2018 |
Penggunaan Bakteri Kitinolitik sebagai Pengendali Hayati Colletotrichum capsici pada Tanaman Cabai
D Syahfitri, NR Mubarik, LA Manaf
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 14 (4), 120, 2018
2018 |
Diversity of lactic acid bacterial in inasua fermentation
F Mahulette, NR Mubarik, W Antonius Suwanto
Iranian journal of microbiology 10 (5), 314, 2018
2018 |
Characterization of Protease from Bacillus licheniformis F11. 1 as a Bio-Detergent Agent
SN Ilmiah, NR Mubarik, B Wahyuntari
Makara Journal of Science, 105-112, 2018
2018 |
Microbiological and Physicochemical Characteristics of Inasua Traditional Fish Fermented from Maluku Islands
F Mahulette, NR Mubarik, A Suwanto, W Widanarni
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education 10 (2), 298-305, 2018
2018 |
Keragaan Morfo-Fisiologi Phaseolus spp. yang Ditanam Pada Ketinggian Tempat yang Berbeda (Morpho-Physiological Performance Phaseolus spp. on Different Altitudes)
D Trisnawati, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Hortikultura 28 (1), 59-66, 2018
2018 |
Screening of cellulose-and lignin-degrading fungi for improving nutritive quality of ruminant feed
M Fauzi, NR Mubarik, A Jayanegara
MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 06001, 2018
2018 |
Ethanol Production by Novel Proline Accumulating Pichia kudriavzevii Mutants Strains Tolerant to High Temperature and Ethanol Stresses
RI Astuti, S Alifianti, RN Maisyitoh, NR Mubarik, A Meryandini
2018 |
The Effect of Biofertilizer on The Diversity of N2O Reducing Bacteria in Paddy Fields of Sukabumi, Indonesia
A Cahyadi, I Rusmana, NR Mubarik
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education 9 (3), 2017
2017 |
Penapisan dan Identifikasi Bakteri Kitinolitik Penghambat Pertumbuhan Ganoderma boninense in Vitro
RH Wibowo, NR Mubarik, I Rusmana, M Thenawidjaya
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 13 (3), 105, 2017
2017 |
Antibacterial activity of naringenin-rich fraction of pigeon pea leaves toward Salmonella thypi
S Agus, SS Achmadi, NR Mubarik
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 7 (8), 725-728, 2017
2017 |
The Abundance of Nitrogen Fixing, Nitrifying, Denitrifying and Ammonifying Bacteria in the Soil of Tropical Rainforests and Oil Palm Plantations in Jambi
Z Zulfarina, I Rusmana, NR Mubarik, DA Santosa
Makara Journal of Science, 187-194, 2017
2017 |
Effect of biofertilizer on the diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and total bacterial community in lowland paddy fields in Sukabumi West Java, Indonesia
Masrukhin, I Rusmana, NR Mubarik
2017 |
Konsistensi Produksi Nata Dalam Media Fermentasi Yang Mengandung Hidrolisat Ubi Kayu
L Muchtar, NR Mubarik, A Suwanto
Journal of Agroindustrial Technology 27 (2), 2017
2017 |
Optimum Age of Starter for Microbial Transglutaminase (MTGase) Production Produced by Streptomyces thioluteus TTA 02 SDS 14 and Characterization of Crude Enzyme
DS Zilda, YN Fawzya, LS Nur'amaliyah, HN Prestisia, NR Mubarik, ...
Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology 12 (1 …, 2017
2017 |
Characterization of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and nitrogen fixing bacteria from limestone mining region
D Fitriyanti, NR Mubarik
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 13 (3), 147-155, 2017
2017 |
N Hidayati, H Hamim, NR Mubarik
MADURANCH: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan 2 (1), 13-22, 2017
2017 |
Characterization and Identification of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Isolate GPC3. 7 from Limestone Mining Region
D Fitriyanti, NR Mubarik, A Tjahjoleksono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 58 (1), 012016, 2017
2017 |
Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Pyrene by Biosurfactant-Producing Bacteria Gordonia cholesterolivorans AMP 10
TH Kurniati, I Rusmana, A Suryani, NR Mubarik
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education 8 (2), 2016
2016 |
Medium optimization of [Beta]-glucanase production by Bacillus subtilis SAHA 32.6 used as biological control of oil palm pathogen
RTK Dewi, NR Mubarik, MT Suhartono
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 28 (2), 116, 2016
2016 |
Purification and Characterization of Transglutaminase from Local Streptomyces Sp. TTA 02 SDS 14
LS Nur'amaliyah, DS Zilda, NR Mubarik
Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology 11 (3 …, 2016
2016 |
Rehabilitation of Ex-Mining Quarry Area with Phytoremediation Plants and Biological Fertilizer Application
NR Mubarik, HF Putra, D Fitriyanti, M Adani, I Abidin
2016 |
Formulation of acid-aluminium Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculant to increase soybean production acid soil fields (pH > 4,0)
NR Mubarik, Suharyanto, T Imas, AT Wahyudi, Triadiati, H Widyastuti
ID Patent P0020100O498, 2016
2016 |
Formulation of acid-aluminium Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculant to increase soybean production acid soil fields (pH > 4,0)
NR Mubarik, Suharyanto, T Imas, AT Wahyudi, Triadiati, H Widyastuti
ID Patent P0020100O498, 2016
2016 |
Characterization of Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria from Limestone Quarry in Cirebon Indonesia
E Wahdi, NR Mubarik, R Widyastuti
J. Int. Environmental Application & Science 11 (4), 312-317, 2016
2016 |
The ureC Gene Diversity of Soil Bacteria in Tropical Rain Forest and Oil Palm Plantations
I Rusmana, NR Mubarik, DA Santosa
Applied Science and Technology 1 (1), 489-496, 2016
2016 |
Medium optimization of β-glucanase production by Bacillus subtilis SAHA 32.6 used as biological control of oil palm pathogen
RTK Dewi, NR Mubarik, MT Suhartono
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 116-125, 2016
2016 |
Isolation and Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Inasua
F Mahulette, NR Mubarik, A Suwanto, W Widanarni
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 1 (2), 71-76, 2016
2016 |
The effectiveness of methanotrophic bacteria and Ochrobactrum anthropi to reduce CH4 and N2O emissions and to promote paddy growth in lowland paddy fields
D Sukmawati, I Rusmana, NR Mubarik
2016 |
Study of potassium solubilizing bacteria from limestone mining area in Palimanan, Cirebon Quarry
E Angraini, NR Mubarik, R Widyastuti
2016 |
Selection of chitinolytic bacteria as biological control of Colletotrichum capsici
GM Nurdin, NR Mubarik, LI Sudirman
2016 |
Isolation and Identification of chitinolytic bacteria as biocontrol agent of pathogenic fungi on gold silkworm cocoon Cricula trifenestrata
M Yunita, NR Mubarik, DD Solihin
2016 |
Selection of bacteria producing indole-3-acetic acid and its application on oil palm seedlings (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.).
M Astriani, NR Mubarik, A Tjahjoleksono
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 12 (2), 147-154, 2016
2016 |
Potential of Chitinolytic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SAHA 12.07 and Serratia marcescens KAHN 15.12 as Biocontrol Agents of Ganoderma boninense
SN Azizah, NR Mubarik, LI Sudirman
Research Journal of Microbiology 10 (10), 452, 2015
2015 |
Isolation and Application of Pathogenic and Biological Control Bacteria from Pupae of Golden Silkworm Cricula trifenestrata Helfer
ADS Uli, NR Mubarik, DD Solihin
Research Journal of Microbiology 10 (10), 476, 2015
2015 |
DN Susilowati, IM Sudiana, NR Mubarik, A Suwanto
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science 16 (1), 39-50, 2015
2015 |
Potency of Auxin Producing and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria from Dryland in Rice Paddy Field
G Fallo, NR Mubarik
Research Journal of Microbiology 10 (6), 246, 2015
2015 |
Selection and Identification of Phosphate-Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria from the Area Around the Limestone Mining in Cirebon Quarry
E Mursyida, NR Mubarik, A Tjahjoleksono
Research Journal of Microbiology 10 (6), 270, 2015
2015 |
Characterization of Gibberellin Producing Rhizobacteria Isolated from Soil Forest in Banten
H Susilo, NR Mubarik, T Triadiati
Current Biochemistry 2 (1), 32-41, 2015
2015 |
Pertumbuhan Vegetatif dan Reproduktif Tanaman Padi dan Jagung Pada Berbagai Dosis dan Waktu Aplikasi Pupuk Hayati
Jurnal Sumberdaya Hayati 1 (2), 2015
2015 |
Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Jagung Dengan Pemberian Pupuk Hayati Berbasis Bakteri Pemacu Pertumbuhan Pada Tanah Asam.
NR Mubarik
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 2015
2015 |
Sunita Godara, Ram C. Sihag and Rajender K. Gupta
M Safari, A Bakhshi, M Erami, B Kheirkhah, A Pourbakhsh, H Pourbabei, ...
Research Journal of Microbiology 10 (6), 230-245, 2015
2015 |
Potential of chitinolytic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SAHA 12.07 and Serratia marcescens KAHN 15.12 as biocontrol agents of Ganoderma boninense Res
SN Azizah, NR Mubarik, LI Sudirman
J. Microbiol 10 (10), 452, 2015
2015 |
Effects of dietary fibers on growth performance, development of internal organs, protein and energy utilization and lipid content of growing chicks.
A Djulardi, G Ciptaan, AP Sinurat, YR Mirnawati, Y Marlida, IP Kompiang, ...
International Journal of Poultry Science 17 (7), 39-47, 2015
2015 |
Corn Growth and Yield Improvement Using Biofertilizer Based on Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria in Acid Soil
NR Mubarik
Journal Of International Environmental Application And Science 9 (4), 569, 2014
2014 |
Isolation and Identification of Nitrogen Fixing and Indole Acetic Acid Producing Bacteria from Oil Plantation in Jambi, Indonesia
NN Harca, NR Mubarik, AT Wahyudi
Journal Of International Environmental Application And Science 9 (4), 546, 2014
2014 |
Diversity and kinetics of bacterial nitrification isolated from soil of rubber and oil palm plantation in Jambi Indonesia
N Antriana, I Rusmana, NR Mubarik
Advances in Environmental Biology, 319-326, 2014
2014 |
Jn Vitro Capability of Rice Endophytic Streptomyces spp. in Producing lndole Acetic Acid and Fixing Nitrogen
NR Mubarik, AP Pratyasto, TT Yusepi
AENSI, 2014
2014 |
Aplikasi Bradyrhizobium japonicum DAN Aeromonas salmonicida Pada Penanaman Kedelai Di Tanah Asam Dalam Percobaan Rumah Kaca
S Tobing, N Rachmania, T Triadiati
BIOTIK: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Teknologi dan Kependidikan 2 (1), 10-16, 2014
2014 |
In vitro capability of rice endophytic Streptomyces spp. in producing indole acetic acid and fixing nitrogen.
Y Lestari, TT Yusepi, AP Pratyasto, NR Mubarik
Advances in Environmental Biology 8 (13), 728-735, 2014
2014 |
Diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria based on nifH gene in rice fields.
R Hadianta, I Rusmana, NR Mubarik
Advances in Environmental Biology 8 (14), 63-69, 2014
2014 |
Partial Purification of Bacterial Chitinase as Biocontrol of Leaf Blight Disease on Oil Palm Muhammad Asril, Nisa Rachmania Mubarik and Aris Tri Wahyudi
M Asril
Research Journal of Microbiology 9 (6), 265-277, 2014
2014 |
Community succession of methanotrophic bacteria based on pmoA gene in rice fields.
H Sutanto, I Rusmana, NR Mubarik
Advances in Environmental Biology 8 (14), 50-56, 2014
2014 |
Symbiotic of Nitrogen Fixation Between Acid Aluminium Tolerant Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Soybean
NR Mubarik
2014 |
Partial purification of bacterial chitinase as biocontrol of leaf blight disease on oil palm
M Asril, NR Mubarik, AT Wahyudi
Research Journal of Microbiology 9 (6), 265, 2014
2014 |
Symbiotic of nitrogen fixation between acid aluminium tolerant Brayrhizobium japonicum and soybean
NR Mubarik, TI Sunatmo
Advances in Biology and Ecology of Nitrogen Fixation. Rijeka (HR) InTech ..., 2014
2014 |
Exploration of bacterial diversity at Cirebon quarry
NR Mubarik, RH Wibowo, E Angraini, E Mursyida, E Wahdi
Final Report, Quarry Life Award Project, Indonesia, 1-13, 2014
2014 |
Characterization of bacterial isolates producing chitinase and glucanase for biocontrol of plant fungal pathogens
Y Suryadi, DN Susilowati, P Lestari, TP Priyatno, IM Samudra, ...
Journal of Agricultural Technology 10 (4), 983-999, 2014
2014 |
Isolation and identification of potassium-solubilizing bacteria from tobacco rhizospheric soil and their effect on tobacco plants.
E Mursyida, NR Mubarik, A Tjahjoleksono, S Aarab, FJ Ollero, M Megias, ...
Research Journal of Microbiology 10 (6), 7-13, 2013
2013 |
Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Indonesian fermented fish (beksam) and their antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria
D Choesri, I Rusmana, A Suwanto, NR Mubarik
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 25, 489-494, 2013
2013 |
Characterization of redistilled liquid smoke of oil-palm shells and its application as fish preservatives
SS Achmadi, NR Mubarik, R Nursyamsi, P Septiaji
Journal of Applied Sciences 13, 401-408
2013 |
Bioformulation of Antagonistic Bacterial Consortium for Controlling Blast, Sheath Blight and Bacterial Blight Diseases on Rice.
Y Suryadi, DN Susilowati, TS Kadir, ZR Zaffan, N Hikmawati, NR Mubarik
Asian Journal of Plant Pathology 7 (3)
2013 |
E Chasanah, IR Dini, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan 8 (2), 103-113
2013 |
Respon Pertumbunan Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Bradyrhizobium japonicum Toleran Masam dan Pemberian Pupuk di Tanah Masam
NR Mubarik, Y Ramasita
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 41 (1)
2013 |
Potensi Bakteri Proteolitik Aeromonas caviae NU-4 dan Aeromonas sp. NU-8 sebagai Pengendali Pertumbuhan Microcystis aeruginosa BT-02 pada Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio)
EE Mulyeti, NR Mubarik, D Wahjuningrum
Biota 17 (3)
2013 |
Pencirian Mananase Streptomyces costaricanus 451-3
A Meryandini, D Ambarawati, N Rachmania
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 13 (1)
2013 |
Detection and Cloning of a Gene Involved in Zwitermicin A Synthesis from Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria of Bacillus sp CR64
AT Wahyudi, RI Astuti, NR Mubarik, SA Faulina
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 15 (1)
2013 |
Selection and Optimization of Lactic Acid Bacteria having Antifungal Properties
NR Mubarik, E Sukara
2013 |
Identifikasi Bakteri Proteolitik Asal Danau Gili Meno dan Karakterisasi Protease Hasil Pengendapan dengan Amonium Sulfat
NR Mubarik, DD Solihin
2013 |
Bacillus thuringiensis Inoculum testing on cotton leafworm (Spodoptera litura F.)
D Fitriyanti, NR Mubarik, TS Prawasti
Universitas Airlangga
2013 |
Laju Potensial dan Kelimpahan Bakteri Nitrifikasi, Denitrifikasi dan Disimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium (DNRA) pada Lahan Perkebunan Karet di Jambi.
I Rusmana, NIR Mubarik
2013 |
S Utami, NR Mubarik, I Rusmana
2013 |
Bioformulation of antagonistic bacterial consortium for controlling blast, sheath blight and bacterial blight diseases on rice
TS Kadir, N Hikmawati, NR Mubarik, DN Susilowati, ZR Zaffan, Y Suryadi
Academ1c Journals Inc., 2013
2013 |
J. Int. Environ. App. & Sei. Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 205-445, June, 2012
AT Rachmadi, NR Mubarik, TS Prawasti
J. Int. Environ. App. & Sei. Vol 7 (2), 205-445, 2012
2012 |
Greeenhouse experiments of symbiotic effectiveness of acid-aluminium tolerance Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains on soybean plant.
NR Mubarik, H Habibah, AT Wahyudi
International Conference on Applied Science. Konya, Turkey 1 (1), 337-342., 2012
2012 |
J. Int. Environ. App. & Sei. Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 205-445, June, 2012
AT Rachmadi, NR Mubarik, TS Prawasti
J. Int. Environ. App. & Sei. Vol 7 (2), 205-445, 2012
2012 |
Design and evaluation of useful bacterium-specific PCR primers that amplify genes coding for bacterial 16S rRNA.
Y Marlida, IR Desniar, A Suwanto, NR Mubarik, MB Rao, AM Tanksale, ...
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 17 (8), 135-145, 2012
2012 |
Management of rice blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae) using formulated bacterial consortium
Y Suryadi, DN Susilowati, E Riana, NR Mubarik
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 25 (5), doi: 10.9755/ejfa. v25i5. 12564
2012 |
Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from an Indonesian fermented fish (bekasam) and their antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria
D Choesri, I Rusmana, A Suwanto, NR Mubarik
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 25 (6), doi: 10.9755/ejfa. v25i6. 12478
2012 |
K Dahlan, A Maddu, KT Wigati, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Sains MIPA Universitas Lampung 5 (2)
2012 |
Screening of Proteolytic Bacteria Isolated from Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Inhibiting the Growth of Microcystis aeruginosa BT-02
AT Rachmadi, NR Mubarik, TS Prawasti
Journal of International Environmental Application & Science 7 (2)
2012 |
Greenhouse Experiments of Symbiotic Effectiveness of Acid-Aluminium Tolerance Bradyrhizobium Japonicum Strains on Soybean Plant
NR Mubarik, H Habibah, AT Wahyudi
2012 |
Senyawa antimikroba yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri asam laktat asal bekasam
I Rusmana, A Suwanto, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Akuatika 3 (2), 2012
2012 |
Application of microbial solvents and phosphate ferlizer P on peanut production in red-yellow podzolic soil.
G Fallo, NR Mubarik, JJ Acuna, MA Jorquera, OA Martinez, ...
Research Journal of Microbiology 10 (6), 1-12, 2011
2011 |
The use of acid-aluminium tolerant Bradyrhizobium japonicum formula for soybean grown on field acid soil
NR Mubarik, T Imas, AT Triadiati, S Wahyudi, H Widiastuti
World Acad. Sci. Eng. Tech 77, 879-882, 2011
2011 |
Antagonistic activity of indigenous Indonesian bacteria as the suppressing agent of rice fungal pathogen
Y Suryadi, DN Susilowati, KE Putri, NR Mubarik
J. Int. Environ. Appl. Sci 6 (4), 558-568
2011 |
Isolation and selection of alkaline proteolytic bacteria from leather processing waste and enzyme characterization
2011 |
Validasi metode analisis cemaran staphylococcus aureus pada pupuk hayati
G Rahayu, NR Mubarik
2011 |
The Potency of Some Bacteria to Inhibit The Growth of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Causing Rice Bacterial Leaf Blight
NR Mubarik, Y Suryadi
2011 |
I Rusmana, A Suwanto, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 14 (2)
2011 |
B Riyanto, NR Mubarik, F Idham
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 14 (1)
2011 |
Detection and cloning of a gene involved in zwitermicin a biosynthesis from plant growth promoting rhizobacterium Bacillus sp. CR64
AT Wahyudi, RI Astuti, N Rachmania, SA Faulina
Indones J Biotechnol, 2010
2010 |
Three isolates among 138 sponge-associated bacteria were isolated from Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat West Papua Province, Indonesia, have been shown protease inhibitory activity …
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 17 (4), 173, 2010
2010 |
Chitinolytic Bacteria Isolated from Chili Rhizosphere: Chitinase Characterization and Its Application as Biocontrol for Whitefly (< i> Bemisia tabaci</i> Genn.)
NR Mubarik, I Mahagiani, A Anindyaputri, S Santoso, I Rusmana
American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 5 (4), 430
2010 |
Diversity of antifungal compounds-producing Bacillus spp. isolated from rhizosphere of soybean plant based on ARDRA and 16S rRNA
AT Wahyudi, BJ Prasojo, NR Mubarik
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 17 (3), 145
2010 |
Effect of pH, temperature and medium composition on xylanase production by Bacillus sp. AQ-1 and partial characterization of the crude enzyme
B Wahyuntari, NR Mubarik, S Setyahadi
Microbiology Indonesia 3 (1)
2010 |
Activity of Proteolytic and Amylolytic Enzymes from Bacillus spp. Isolated from Shrimp Ponds
A Meryandini, A Suwanto, NR Mubarik
Microbiology Indonesia 3 (2)
2010 |
Produksi dan Karakterisasi Parsial Protease Alkali Termostabil Bacillus thermoglucosidasius AF-01
AM Fuad, R Rahmawati, NR Mubarik
Microbiology Indonesia 9 (1)
2010 |
Genetic diversity of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria of Bacillus sp. based on 16S rRNA sequence and amplified rDNA restriction analysis
S Bahri, AT Wahyudi, NR Mubarik
Microbiology Indonesia 3 (1)
2010 |
Chitinolytic bacteria isolated from Chili rhizosphere: chitinase characterization and application as biocontrol for Aphis gossypii
N Nurdebyandaru, NR Mubarik, TS Prawasti
Microbiology Indonesia 4 (3)
2010 |
Screening of proteolytic enzymes of Streptomyces sp. local strain and their characterization
D Yuratmoko, NR Mubarik, A Meryandini
Microbiology Indonesia 1 (2)
2010 |
Optimizing Tannin Extraction for Antibacterial Activity of Acacia nilotica
KTO Mustafa, SS Achmadi, NR Mubarik
Journal of International Environmental Application & Science 5 (5), 781
2010 |
Seleksi Bakteri Resisten Herbisida Glifosat
L Liawati, S Listiyowati, NR Mubarik
Microbiology Indonesia 7 (1)
2010 |
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Enzim-Amilase Ekstraseluler dari Bakteri Asidofili Asal Limbah Cair Tapioka
RD Purnama, NR Mubarik
Microbiology Indonesia 7 (1)
2010 |
Produksi dan Karakterisasi Protease Ekstraseluler Bacillus sp. Galur BKU-10 yang Diisolasi dari Saluran Pencernaan Epinephelus tauvina
SGS Fitri, NR Mubarik, TS Prawasti
Microbiology Indonesia 10 (1)
2010 |
Screening and Characterization of Protease Inhibitors from Marine Bacteria Associated with Sponge Jaspis sp.
AT Wahyudi, NR Mubarik
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 17 (4), 173
2010 |
Pemanfaatan Bakteri Rizosfer untuk Proteksi Cabai terhadap Infeksi Ganda Virus
TA Damayanti, NR Mubarik, H Pardede, T Katerina
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2010 |
Exploration of Rhizobacteria-Mediated Growth Promotion to Protect Pepper Against Tobacco Mosaic Tobamovirus
TA Damayanti, NR Mubarik
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2010 |
Chitinolytic bacteria isolated from chili rhizosphere: chitinase characterization and its application as biocontrol for whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.).
NR Mubarik, I Mahagiani, A Anindyaputri, S Santoso, I Rusmana
American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 5 (4), 430-435, 2010
2010 |
Konstruksi Mutan Pseudomonas sp. untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) melalui Mutagenesis dengan Transposon
AT Wahyudi, M Panjaitan, N Rachmania
Biosfera 26 (3), 100-107, 2009
2009 |
Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Proteolitik Patogen dari Bagian Eksternal Ikan Nila GIFT Oreochromis niloticus Isolation and Identification of Pathogenic Proteolytic Bacteria …
D Wahjuningrum, L Mayasari, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 8 (2), 169-174, 2009
2009 |
Land with low pH soil spread widely in Indonesia can be used for soybean (Glycine max) cultivation, although the production is low. The use of acid tolerant soybean and acid-Al …
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 16 (4), 157, 2009
2009 |
Analysis of both chitinase and chitosanase produced by Sphingomonas sp. CJ-5.
M Asril, NR Mubarik, AT Wahyudi, I Aranaz, M Mengibar, R Harris, I Panos, ...
Research Journal of Microbiology 9 (6), 203-230, 2009
2009 |
Isolasi bakteri selulolitik dan karakterisasi enzimnya
A Meryandini, W Widosari, B Maranatha, TC Sunarti, N Rachmania, ...
Makara sains 13 (1), 33-38
2009 |
The Use of Acid-Aluminium Tolerant Bradyrhizobium japonicum Inoculant for Soybean Grown on Acid Soils
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 16 (4), 157
2009 |
The use of Acid-Alumunium tolerant bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculant for soybean grown on acid soils
ARF Situmorang, NR Mubarik
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2009 |
Potensi Bradyrhizobium Japonicum Toleran Asam-Aluminium sebagai Inokulan pada Tanaman Kedelai (The Potency of Acid Alumunium Tolerant Bradyrhizobium japonicum asinoculant for Soybean)
NR Mubarik, AT Wahyudi, T Imas
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2009 |
Isolation and Identification of Pathogenic Proteolytic Bacteria from External Body Part of GIFT Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus
D Wahjuningrum, L Mayasari, NR Mubarik
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 8 (2), 169-174
2009 |
Karakterisasi a-amilase dari Aspergillus versicolor 3a1 yang diproduksi pada media limbah cair tapioka
F Aini, NR Mubarik, LA Manaf
2009 |
Produksi dan Aplikasi Inokulan Bradyrhizobium japonicum Toleran Asam Alumunium pada Tanaman Kedelai
NR Mubarik, AT Wahyudi
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2009 |
Purification and characterization extracellular proteases bacterial isolates from thermophilic GP-04
Y Efendi, TJ Abraham, S Mondal, CS Babu, B Austin, R Agrawal, ...
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 13 (12), 27-30, 2008
2008 |
Pengaruh Pupuk Biologi Terhadap Pola Serapan Hara, Ketahanan Penyakit, Produksi Dan Kuautas Hasil Beberapa Komoditas Tanaman Pangan Dan Sayuran Unggulan
N Rachmania, IH Soemantri, N Sumarni
2008 |
Optimalisasi produksi a-amilase dan glukoamilase dari bakteri proteolitik asal pencernaan ikan nila gift
M Nivianto, B Saputra, N Rachmania, A Meryandini
2008 |
Isolasi Bakteri Mananolitik dan Karakterisasi Mananasenya
A Meryandini, R Anggreandari, NR Mubarik
2008 |
Extracellular Protease Activity of Enteropathogenic Escherechia coli on Mucin Substrate
S Budiarti, NR Mubarik
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 14 (1), 36
2007 |
Utilization of root-colonizing bacteria to protect hot-pepper against Tobacco Mosaic Tobamovirus
TA Damayanti, H Pardede, NR Mubarik
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 14 (3), 105
2007 |
Pengaruh Pupuk Biologi terhadap Pola Serapan Hara, Ketahanan Penyakit, Produksi dan Kualitas Hasil Beberapa Tanaman Pangan dan Sayuran Unggulan
RN Hamim, I Hanarida, N Sumarni
Bogor: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat IPB
2007 |
Identifikasi Keragaman Genetik dan Seleksi Genotipe Pengaruh Pupuk Biologi terhadap Pola Serapan Hara, Ketahanan Penyakit, Produksi dan Kualitas Hasil Beberapa Komoditas Tanaman Pangan dan Sayuran Unggulan
NR Mubarik, I Hanarida, N Sumarni
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2007 |
Analisis gen penyandi protein yang terlibat dalam sistem toleransi bradyrhizobium japonicum kedelai terhadap cekaman asam-aluminium
AT Wahyudi, NR Mubarik, T Imas
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2007 |
Disinfeksi Escherichia coli dengan fotoelektrokatalis pada lapisan TiO2
A Maddu, AA Sudana, NR Mubarik, K Dahlan
Jurnal Biofisika
2006 |
Cloning of Genomic DNA Fragment Involved in Acid-Aluminium Tolerance in Bradyrhizobium japonicum 38 Through Transposon Mutagenesis
RI Astuti, AT Wahyudi, NR Mubarik
Microbiology Indonesia 11 (1)
2006 |
Analisis Zimogram a-Amilase Mikrob Toleran Basa
NR Mubarik
Microbiology Indonesia 10 (1)
2005 |
Karakterisasi mananase termofil dari (Bacillus pumilus)
A Meryandini, NR Mubarik, R Anggreandari
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2004 |
Karakterisasi a-amilase bacillus firmus KH. 9.4 Alkanotoleran dari limbah cair tapioka
NR Mubarik, R Iswati, T Imas
2004 |
Isolasi dan karakterisasi amilase dari kapang alkalotoleran asal limbah cair tapioka
NR Mubarik, E Damayanti, S Listyowati
2003 |
Diversitas Protase Clostridium sp dalam Upaya Menggali Potensinya sebagai Salah Satu Mikrob Penghasil Enzim Komersial
A Meryandini, NR Mubarik
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2003 |
Produksi dan karakterisasi protease Citrobacter sp. Galur BKL-1 dari saluran pencernaan ikan kerapu lumpur (Epinephelus tauvina)
NR Mubarik, TS Prawasti
2003 |
Inaktivasi Bakteri E. Coli melalui Fotokatalisis Tio2
A Maddu, K Dahlan, NR Mubarik
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2003 |
Telaah Karakter Biokimia Enzim Amilolitik dari Mikrob Limbah Cair Tapioka
NR Mubarik, S Listyowati
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2003 |
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi-amilase Ekstraseluler dari Kapang Asal Limbah Cair Tapioka
D Handayani, NR Mubarik, S Listiyowati
Microbiology Indonesia 7 (2)
2002 |
Produksi Biomasa Dan Nilai Kalor Kayu Acacia nilotica Asal Limbah Cair Tropika
NR Mubarik, E Damayanthi, S Listyowati
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2002 |
Pemurnian dan Karakterisasi Protease Ekstraseluler dari Isolat Bakteri Termofilik GP-04
NR Mubarik
Disertasi, Institut Pertanian Bogor
2001 |
Pemurnian dan Karakterisasi Protease Ekstraseluler Isolat Bakteri Termofilik GP-04
NR Mubarik
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2001 |
Imobilisasi protease Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 menggunakan matriks gel poliakrilamida
NR Mubarik
Jurnal Hayati
2001 |
[Isolation and characterization of extracellular protease isolated from extreme thermophilic bacterium]
NR Mubarik, A Suwantoi, MT Suhartono
2000 |
Prospect of Using Bacterial Bio-formulation to Suppress Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice: A Case Study in Cianjur, West Java
Y Suryadi, DN Susilowati, TP Priyatno, IM Samudra, TS Kadir, ...
2000 |
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences
J Ekasari, R Crab, W Verstraete, S Sulandari, MSA Zein, T Sartika, ...
2000 |
The Use of Acid-Aluminium Tolerant Bradyrhizobium japonicum Formula for
NR Mubarik, T Imas, AT Wahyudi
2000 |
Production of IAA by Bradyrhizobium sp.
NR Mubarik, I Mahagiani, AT Wahyudi
2000 |
Purification and characterization of extracellular protease from Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633
NR Mubarik, M Wirahadikusumah
Hayati (Indonesia)
1996 |