Judul |
Tahun |
Variasi Bentuk dan Warna Sisik Sayap Kupu-Kupu dan Ngengat
MRI Rani, T Atmowidi, TH Widarto
Jurnal Sumberdaya Hayati 9 (4), 164-170, 2023
2023 |
Keanekaragaman dan Distribusi Gastropoda Air Tawar di Sungai Ciapus, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
AW Putra, M Al Anshari, NM Sukri, TH Widarto, T Atmowidi, M Litaay, ...
Jurnal Sumberdaya Hayati 9 (4), 145-151, 2023
2023 |
Observasi Perilaku Cacing Tanah Metaphire sp. Sebagai Upaya Awal Domestikasi
D Karmila, TH Widarto
Jurnal Sumberdaya Hayati 9 (2), 70-80, 2023
2023 |
Kepadatan dan Persebaran Parmarion pupillaris pada 10 Jenis Sayuran di Desa Dlangu, Kecamatan Trawas, Kabupaten Mojokerto
NO Pradikaningrum, T Chikmawati, TH Widarto
Jurnal Sumberdaya Hayati 8 (2), 75-81, 2022
2022 |
Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Nangka dan Daun Sukun sebagai Moluskisida Nabati terhadap Daya Hidup Keong Mas (Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck)
TH Widarto, NS Ariyanti
2015 |
Consequences of tropical land use for multitrophic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Nat Commun
AD Barnes, M Jochum, S Mumme, NF Haneda, A Farajallah, TH Widarto, ...
Nature Publishing Group 5, 1-7, 2014
2014 |
Kelimpahan Makrozoobenthos sebagai Bioindikator Cemaran Organik Di Sungai Cibala, Sukanagara, Cianjur
TH Widarto
2014 |
Consequences of tropical land use for multitrophic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
AD Barnes, M Jochum, S Mumme, NF Haneda, A Farajallah, TH Widarto, ...
Nature communications 5, 2014
2014 |
Kepadatan dan Persebaran Deroceras laeve dan Meghimatium bilineatum pada 10 Jenis Sayuran di Agropolitan, Cipanas
TH Widarto
2013 |
Perilaku Makan dan Pengaruh Jenis Pakan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Filicaulis bleekeri Keferstein (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
TH Widarto, N Mujiono
2013 |
Siklus Hidup Black Soldier (Hermetia illucens) dalam Media Bungkil Kelapa Sawit dengan Penambahan Silase Ikan
TH Widarto, E Devic
2012 |
Morphological Characters and Histology of Pheretima darnleiensis
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19 (1), 44
2012 |
Shigella, Leucocytes, and Hematocrit from Diarrheal Patient in Cangkurawok Healt Center, Dramaga, Bogor
S Budiarti, TH Widarto
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
2011 |
Efektivitas bivalvia sebagai bioremidiator polutan perairan: studi kasus waduk situ gede bogor
EW Ningrum, I Romandani, L Gayatri, ZQ A’yun, IY Ulfah, TH Widarto
Jurnal Biotik 3, 1-12, 2010
2010 |
Nonylphenol Stimulates Fecundity but not Population Growth Rate (< i> λ</i>) of< i> Folsomia candida</i>
TH Widarto, PH Krogh, VE Forbes
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 67 (3), 369-377
2007 |
Shell form variation of a freshwater mussel Velesunio ambiguus Philippi from the Ross River, Australia
TH Widarto
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 14 (3), 98
2007 |
Nonylphenol stimulates fecundity but not population growth rate (λ) of Folsomia candida
TH Widarto, PH Krogh, VE Forbes
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 67 (3), 369-377, 2007
2007 |
Respon of earthworm burrowing behaviour as a biomarker of imidacloprid in soil
D Febriza, TS Prawasti, TH Widarto
Fakultas Biologi UGM
2006 |
Uji lengos cacing tanah untuk mendeteksi imidakloprid pada ekosistem terestrial
TS Prawasti, TH Widarto
2006 |
Sublethal effects of phenanthrene on the life history of a parthenogenetic earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra after repeated exposures
TH Widarto, M Holmstrup, VE Forbes
SETAC Europe 15th Annual Meeting, 2005
2005 |
The influence of nonylphenol on life-history of the earthworm< i> Dendrobaena octaedra</i> Savigny: linking effects from the individual-to the population-level
TH Widarto, M Holmstrup, VE Forbes
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 58 (2), 147-159
2004 |
The influence of nonylphenol on life-history of the earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra Savigny: linking effects from the individual-to the population-level
TH Widarto, M Holmstrup, VE Forbes
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 58 (2), 147-159, 2004
2004 |
The life-history of a springtail Folsomia candida living in soil contaminated with nonylphenol
TH Widarto, PH Krogh, V Forbes
Understanding the Complexity of Environmental Issues: A Way to Sustainability, 2003
2003 |
147 The influence of nonylphenol on life-history of the earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra Savigny: linking effects from the individual-to the population-level
TH Widarto, M Holmstrup, VE Forbes, M Keinanen, C Tigerstedt, ...
2000 |
The life-history of a springtail< em> Folsomia candida</em> living in soil contaminated with nonylphenol
TH Widarto, PH Krogh, V Forbes
2000 |
Beberapa Aspek Biologi Reproduksi Kijing Air Tawar yang Hìdup di Daerah Tropik (Some Aspects of Reproductive Biology of Freshwater Mussels Living in a Tropical Area)
2000 |
Osmoregulasi Kijing Air Tawar (Velesunio ambiguus Phillipi){Osmoregulation of Freshwater Mussel Velesunio ambiguus Phillipi)
2000 |
Taxonomy and Evolution of the Monkeys of Celebes (primates: Cercopithecidae) Taxonomy and Evolution of the Monkeys of Celebes (primates: Cercopithecidae), 1969
K Fujita, K Watanabe, TH Widarto, B SURYOBROTO
Primates: journal of primatology 38 (3), 233-245, 1997
1997 |
Discrimination of macaques by macaques: the case of Sulawesi species
K Fujita, K Watanabe, TH Widarto, B Suryobroto
Primates 38 (3), 233-245
1997 |
Beberapa Aspek Biologi Reproduksi Kijing Air Tawar yang Hidup di Daerah Tropik
TH Widarto
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
1996 |
Some aspects of reproductive biology of freshwater mussels living in a tropical area
TH Widarto
Hayati (Indonesia)
1996 |