Arsip Pengumuman Februari 2018
Guest Lecturer in Plant Biology (CRC EFForTS, B04 group)
- 23 Februari 2018

International Student Seminar CRC EFForTS (B04 group)
- Name: Kyra May Ute Zembold
- Institution: Master Student in Department of Plant Ecology Goettingen University
- Topic: “Xylem vulnerability to embolism in 10 tropical tree species”
- Date: February 27, 2018
- Time: 10.00-11.00 am
- Venue: Ruang Baca, Department of Biology IPB
- Host: Dr. Triadiati Dept. of Biology IPB
Selamat dan Sukses atas Posisi Baru Dr Ibnul Qayim
- 20 Februari 2018

Kami mengucapkan selamat dan sukses atas dilantiknya Dr Ir Ibnul Qayim sebagai kepala Kantor Manajemen Mutu dan Audit internal IPB.