Arsip Berita Desember 2020
Dept. Biology has successfully organized the 3rd Summer Course on Biogeology of Belitong Geopark
- 14 Desember 2020

The pandemic era that we all experience today is not a barrier to create an incredible adventure experience. It is a new thing that we all can enjoy in this online learning semester around the world. Department of Biology, IPB University held the 3rd Summer Course on Biogeology of Belitong Geopark. This event was held online on 30th November to 12th December 2020…
SelengkapnyaPrestasi Mahasiswa
- 2 Desember 2020

Selamat kepada para mahasiswa dan dosen pembimbingnya yang telah sukses meraih prestasi membanggakan: 1. PKM-PE Team : M. Alhas Finaldi, Rizki Maulana Yusuf, Angga Firmansyah (Peraih 2 medali perunggu kategori poster dan presentasi PKM-Penelitian Eksakta PIMNAS ke 33, 2020) 2. Kael Dilon Ezra (Juara 3 Online International Conventional Debate 2020) 3. Fauzia Noorchaliza and Satria IPB team (Juara 1 Lomba Videografi…