Arsip Berita Januari 2016
What do the best IPB Undergraduate Program graduate think of bioipb?
- 25 Januari 2016

It is one of my prides to be part of Biology IPB so far, I got almost everything I need to improve my potencies here. There is unforgettable moment when I came to the first Cell Biology class taught by Dr. Achmad Farajallah because until the class over that day, I understand nothing, and felt…
SelengkapnyaLulusan Program Master Terbaik IPB Bercerita tentang bioipb
- 25 Januari 2016

IPB sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia membuat saya bangga menjadi salah satu mahasiswanya. IPB merupakan langkah awal saya belajar di perantauan. Saya mulai berani tampil dalam acara nasional dan internasional sejak belajar di biologi IPB. Dukungan, semangat, dan kesempatan luas selalu terbuka dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari dosen-dosen kami, keakraban…
SelengkapnyaAnnual Event of Myco Party
- 19 Januari 2016

Indonesia is known to have remarkable biodiversity of fungi that amount, but the culture of eating mushrooms in society is still low. In fact, the dish of mushrooms is still a seasonal menu society means that he will be selected when no other menu more delicious to eat. In contrast to the Japanese people who have made the mushroom as compulsory dish at the dinner table. Generally, the Indonesian people are still interested…
Selengkapnya21 Dosen Dept. Biologi Masuk Daftar 1000 Peneliti Indonesia Dengan Sitasi Tinggi
- 11 Januari 2016

Departemen Biologi mengucapkan selamat kepada 21 Dosen Departemen Biologi yang masuk daftar 1000 Peneliti Indonesia Dengan Sitasi Tertinggi berdasarkan data Google Scholar Citations (hingga minggu ke-2 Oktober 2015;
SelengkapnyaBrief Report of Summer and Winter Course from Wiwiek Harsonowati (Master Student/MIK)
- 11 Januari 2016

First of all, I would like to express my thankfulness to my academic supervisor Prof. Dr. Aris Tri Wahyudi, M.Si for the information, recommendation, and the support, he provided me to join this summer course program. With his guidance I was able to apply and join this summer course program and then I was chosen as a participant for winter course program and met researchers and…