Website resmi Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam IPB



Arsip Berita Juni 2016

A Warm Hello to All Students: Enjoy Every Second of Your College Years

  • 16 Juni 2016

How are you today? What is your activity now? Is it related to biology, or, perhaps not. Please, tell us. I am doing good thank you, I am currently doing my PhD in Microbial Ecology, in Netherlands. My research focus on the significance of bacteriophage in bacterial-interactive with fungi, their ecology and evolution.  What was your most memorable experience at the Department of Biology?  My most memorable experience would be, came to class with 60-ish…


ON MIPA-PT 2016: Medal Tradition Continued

  • 2 Juni 2016

Department of Biology ON MIPA - PT (Olimpiade Nasional Bidang MIPA - Perguruan Tinggi) team continuing medal tradition in the competition. This year the Department achieved 3 medals, 1 silver medal and 2 bronze medals. The medalists are EKKY ILHAM ROMADHONA (Silver Medal), WENANG MAHARSIWI (Bronze Medal), and SISWADI AJI HUTOMO (Bronze Medal). In the event held on 24-26 May 2016 in Kartika Chandra Hotel Jakarta, the Department team were composed…
