Arsip Berita September 2023
Baru lulus Sarjana dari Biologi IPB, Sumihartati Raih Indonesia Research and Innovation Fair
- 30 September 2023
Sumihartati Simbolon, alumnus IPB University dari Departemen Biologi yang lulus pada Agustus 2023 lalu, berhasil meraih juara 1 dalam kompetisi “Indonesia Research and Innovation Fair 2023” pada kategori Life and Nature Sciences. Penghargaan diberikan langsung oleh Ketua Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Laksana Tri Handoko di Cibinong, Bogor, 23/9. Hasil riset yang dibawakan oleh Sumihartati terkait pencarian kandidat antibiotik baru dari aktinomiset yang diisolasi dari tanah Pulau…
SelengkapnyaDepartment of Biology Has Successfully Organized The 5th Summer Course on Biology
- 14 September 2023
Department of Biology Has Successfully Organized The 5th Summer Course on Biology The 5th Summer Course on Biology has been held on 5-12 August 2023, organized by Department of Biology, IPB University. This event consists of two activities. The first activity is a lecture class on 5-6 August 2023 at Department of Biology, IPB University, while the second activity is field course in Belitung Island on 7-12 August 2023. This course was participated…