Website resmi Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam IPB



Arsip Berita Juni 2017


  • 14 Juni 2017

Biology on Science and Application (BIONIC) merupakan salah satu program kerja Divisi Biosains Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi Insitut Pertanian Bogor. BIONIC 2017 meliputi beberapa kegiatan yaitu seminar nasional, lomba esai tingkat SMA dan lomba karya tulis ilmiah mahasiswa, serta workshop dengan tema restorasi lahan pasca-tambang . BIONIC 2017 berlangsung selama dua hari dari tanggal 13-14 Mei…


AUN-QA Assessment to Improve the Quality of Biology Study Program

  • 1 Juni 2017

“Your students speak English well”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Quang Minh (Vietnam National University) said it in front of the Department of Biology AUN-QA SAR (ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance Self-Assessment Report) writer (31/05). Together with Dr Marife V Narcida (University of Santo Tomas, Philippine), they are assessors of AUN-QA Assessment who assess AUN-QA SAR of Department Biology document and the site visit to the Department was from 30 May until 31 May 2017. In two days assessment,…
