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Prof. Dr. I Nengah Surati Jaya, M.Agr Talked About Spatial Modelling and Biosciences

  • 5 Mei 2015
  • Terakhir diubah pada 11 Mei 2015

Prof. Dr. I Nengah Surati Jaya, M.Agr (Faculty of Forestry - IPB, Indonesia) said that the Bioscience is the branch of the sciences concerned with living organisms, from microorganisms to towering trees and gigantic whales. Spatial Science is an academic discipline incorporating fields such as surveying, geographic information systems, hydrography and cartography. Ecology, as one of bioscience branch, should be supported by spatial science. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. I Nengah Surati Jaya, M.Agr also talked about geographic information system (GIS) as one of spatial science tool and its function in forest management. This talking presented in Guest Lecture Seminar held by Animal Biosciences Study Program at 27th April 2015. The seminar took place in International Seminar Room, Lv 4, FPIK IPB. At least 50 participants attended this seminar, include some of Department of Biology lecturers. Most of participant were Animal Biosciences students.


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