Website resmi Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam IPB




Marini Adani at the International Young Scholars Conference 2016

  • 11 Februari 2016
  • Terakhir diubah pada 11 Februari 2016

Based on her experience as a tutor/mentor on children activities at Kampung Udik Cisalada,  Marini Adani (Biologi 50) sent a manuscript entitled Edu-Ecotourism for Better Educational Life to International Young Scholars Conference 2016 (IYSC 2016) with theme Turning Young Scholar into Leaders of Tomorrow. She was accepted as an oral presenter at  the one day conference held on January 23, 2016  in International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

The conference was organized by Kulliyyah of Languages and Management, International Islamic University Malaysia in association with Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA) Indonesia, and Malaysian e-Learning Council for Public Universities (MEIPTA). Marini Adani was the only undergraduate student from IPB who attended as a presenter at the seminar. Actually, there were three abstracts which was sent and accepted by undergraduate students of Department of Biology, IPB, but the presenters  could not attend.

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