The 2nd ICoBio 2017
- 16 Agustus 2017
- Terakhir diubah pada 22 Agustus 2017
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural Sciences held the 2nd International Conference on Biosciences (ICoBio) 2017 on 8-9 August 2017. The conference taking the theme “From Genes to Ecosystems" and was intended to gain insight into current trends in research and teaching related to biologies, such as interdisciplinary approaches that are important for understanding the biology and its applications. Moreover, to encourage the formation of networks between biologists and relevant stakeholders to accelerate our efforts to understand the biological phenomena and their applications.
The ICoBio 2017 is attended by participants from several countries including Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, India, and Indonesia. Total participants who register are 202 participants. However not all participant who registers can be accepted as a presenter, so there is some participant suggested as non-presenter (attendant). Due to the wide scope of bioscience, the ICoBio 2017 topic is divided into six main groups focusing on Molecular and Cellular Biology (Group 1), Genetics and Biotechnology (Group 2), Physiology, Behaviour and Development (Group 3), Ecology, Biodiversity, and Conservation (Group 4), Biomedicine and Health (Group 5), Bioprospecting and Applied Biosciences (Group 6)
The conference was officially opened by the Dean of FMIPA IPB, Dr. Sri Nurdiati. She expected that the conference will continuously be organized bi-yearly. "This event is an important meeting for researchers and related stakeholders in bioscience science community to communicate each other on the results of their researches," she said. After the opening ceremony, the Director of Research and Service, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) RI, Prof Dr Ocky Karna Radjasa spoke as keynote speaker. During his speak, he stated that there are two pillars that significantly impact competition in Indonesia, namely higher education and training and innovation. He also explained about research status and its prospect in Indonesia. The following presentation was about plant endophytic actinomycetes by Dr. Arinthip Thamchaipenet of Kasetsart University, Thailand. The first day was ended by the poster and oral presentation series from the conference participant.
The second day was opened by keynote presentation of Dr Shamarina Shohaimi from University Putra Malaysia that explained about statistics in biology. The conference continued with series presentations about zoology by Prof Yasumasa Bessho, M.D. Ph.D. (Nara Insitute of Science and Technology, Jepang), Prof Yang-Seop Bae, Ph.D. (Incheon National University, Republic of Korea, South Korea), and Dr. Dedy Duryadi Solihin (Department of Biology).
In addition, the objective of the conference was initiating steps for the establishment of the partnership programs between FMIPA IPB with the Department of Biology of the University Putera Malaysia (UPM). This collaboration is expected to foster the interest on bioscience and provide media for the exchange of information about bioscience and networking among researchers.
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