Field Study: Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park
- 5 Agustus 2018
- Terakhir diubah pada 7 Agustus 2018
Second-year students of Biology Study Program spent their last week in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (30 July - 1 August 2018) to conduct the Field Study (BIO390), a field research course where the student went to the outside of campus to observe, record, or analyze the natural phenomenon related to the biology. During the study, they stayed in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park guesthouses located near Cibodas Botanical Garden together with the lecturers and academic staffs.
The students were divided into 33 groups to conduct research activity in microbiology, mycology, botany, and zoology. Some groups were started to work the same day they arrived while the other started on the second day finished on the third day. Aside from daylight working time, some groups conduct their observation in the night without light.
The students explored some location inside the national park include Mandalawangi camping ground, Ciwalen waterfall, Telaga Biru, Rawa Gayonggong, and Cibeureum waterfall. They continued to work in the guesthouse after the exploration. To make the study interested, in the second night, students, lecturers, and academic staffs gathered at a campfire event held to strengthen the bond between as well as a fun event to refresh their body and mind after work.
Rahmi Mulyani, a student who works on plant bioimaging in the field study, said that after the fieldwork, she felt that she becomes more aware to the plant world. "Even one leaf can tell a thousand stories depends on how we look at it", she explains.
"We are expecting that the student will be able to apply the biology basic concept in fieldwork and gain the basic knowledge in recognition and management of biodiversity" Dr. Ir. Miftahudin M.Si., head of the department explain the learning outcome of the course. The course will be followed by several activities in the campus, such as laboratory work, writing the report, presentation, and producing the documentary video.
"The today student are more creative than before in some way. We are waiting for their creativity to produce some good and easy to understand scientific communication related to the result of their Field Study", said Ivan Permana Putra M.Si., coordinator of the Field Study.
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