Memulai Kerjasama dengan TNGGP
- 6 Agustus 2018
- Terakhir diubah pada 11 Agustus 2018
In the same occasion with the Field Study (BIO390, 30 July - 1 August 2018), some lecturer of the Department of Biology held a meeting with Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP). In the meeting held at Ruang Rapat Balai TNGGP at 1.30 PM, Wahju Rudianto, S.Pi. M.Si. (head of Balai TNGGP) and some managers welcomed the lecturers and continued to discuss some issues.
Dr. Ir. Miftahudin M.Si. (head of the Department of Biology) explained at first the Field Study purposes as well as made some speech about the collaboration plan between the Department and Balai TNGGP. "We are eager to start a collaboration with Balai TNGGP to explore the national park biodiversity, assaying it environmental function, and predict its use for human", Dr. Miftahudin said. "The national park is like a huge natural laboratory where the lecturer and the student can conduct some research activities or field works there", he added.
Wahju Rudianto, S.Pi. M.Si. answered the introductory speech by arranging a warm discussion between the lecturers and the managers. He said that Balai TNGGP has a plan to conduct research, mainly, in the national park biodiversity data update that needs the participation of universities, research institute, and other parties. The meeting also discussed what new technology produced by universities could be implemented in the national park, mainly, in the aspect of field and biodiversity management. "In addition to that, research in water management is also one top priority. There will be a huge impact on the national park ecosystem if there is a problem with the water", he explained. Edelweiss cultivation in lowland also raised as a challenge, so the Department and Balai TNGGP will make a research collaboration to overcome that challenge.
All collaboration and research plan yielded from the meeting will be legalized in a collaboration agreement. The Department and Balai TNGGP will continue the discussion to finish the agreement and start the collaboration.
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