Website resmi Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam IPB




Department of Biology goes to Australia

  • 22 Oktober 2018
  • Terakhir diubah pada 22 Oktober 2018

Four delegations from Department of Biology and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB (Dr. Ir. Hamim M.Si., Dr. Ir. Miftahudin M.Si., Dr. Ir. Yulin Lestari, and Dr. Puji Rianti S.Si. M.Si.) went to Adelaide, Australia on 6th-10th of October 2018. They were invited to visit Flinders University and South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) to discuss a future study and research collaborations. Together with two colleges from Flinders University (College of Medicine and Public Health and College of Science and Engineering), the three Doctoral study programs at the Department of Biology (study program of Microbiology, Plant Biology, and Animal Biosciences) will have a cotutelle program started on 2019. In this delight and fruitful meeting, our delegations met the vice dean (Prof Dr Tara Brabazon), professors from both Flinders University’s colleges (Dr Chris Franco,  Dr Wei Zhang, Dr Catherine Abbott, Dr Melissa Brown) as well as their Flinders international client services officer and partner engagement and pathways officer (Ms Julie Zanker and Ms Megan Prideaux). The Doctoral cotutelle program will open an opportunity for Doctoral candidates from the study program of Microbiology, Plant Biology, or Animal Biosciences IPB to increase the capacity building in research ability and experience, working at laboratories with international scientific atmospheres. As part of this program, students will stay for three semesters at Flinders University to conducted their doctoral project as well as writing scientific papers for publishing in the International scientific journals. By the end of the study, candidates will get the doctoral certificates from both universities, IPB and Flinders University. Further information about the requirements of this cotutelle doctoral program can be found in the department of Biology IPB website. 

Besides the agreement of cotutelle program at Flinders University, our delegates visit SARDI at the University of Adelaide Waite Campus, for further collaborative research and comparative studies.  Our delegates met Prof Dr. Jim Cox, the Director of Food Safety and Innovation as well as Dr. Alan McKay, the head of Soil Biology and Molecular Diagnostic Group at SARDI, Adelaide. Here, the IPB delegations also visit the Australian Pastures Genebank, the house of 80 000 accessions of tropical and temperate pasture and forage genetic resources which operate under the framework of the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, a very important and prosperous program that should be developed in Indonesia as well. Last, Dr. Carolyn Mitchell (the UoA executive officer, University of Adelaide), guide the delegates to have a campus tour visiting The Plant Accelerator, the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine and contains components of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.


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