Website resmi Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam IPB




The International Student Competition of The 3rd Biology Summer Course Program

  • 18 November 2020
  • Terakhir diubah pada 14 Desember 2020

The International Student Competition of The 3rd Biology Summer Course Program: The Bio-Geology of Belitong Geoparks

All highly ambitious students who will attend The 3rd Biology Summer Course Program: The Bio-Geology of Belitong Geoparks, are welcome to join The International Student Competition. Three best students will be selected as the winners and their idea will be submitted to the local government of Belitung.

Details of the competition, the guidelines, the prizes and important competition dates for your diary are outlined below.


About The International Student Competition of The 3rd Biology Summer Course Program: The Bio-Geology of Belitong Geoparks?

The International Student Competition of The 3rd Biology Summer Course Program: The Bio-Geology of Belitong Geoparks is held by Department of Biology, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University for all students participants of The 3rd Biology Summer Course Program: The Bio-Geology of Belitong Geoparks. The competition provides the opportunity for undergraduate students to submit idea essay about project plan: how to utilize the tropical island ecosystem in sustainable ways to improve the local livelihood. Essay which is written for specific Belitung region will be more appreciated. The five best essays will be selected and presented their great idea in the last day of Summer Course Program. Three winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) will be designated by the competition judges.


Eligible participants

All Undergraduate Students of all nationalities who join The 3rd Biology Summer Course Program: The Bio-Geology of Belitong Geoparks are designated as participants. There is no entry fee.


Key dates

Competition submission opens: 17th November 2020
Competition submission closes: 3rd December 2020 (23:59, WIB: Indonesian Time)
Announcement of 5 best essay: 5th December 2020
Presentation and winners announcement: 12 December 2020



The 1st,  2nd, and 3rd place winners will be awarded 300 USD, 200 USD and 100 USD, respectively. The winners will receive a winning certificate. Finalist and participants will receive participation certificate.


Essay rules

The essay is the original and reliable idea about project plan: How to utilize the Belitong Ecosystem in Sustainable ways to improve the local livelihood. The essay must contain the introduction, project plan ideas and conclusion. Introduction should state the background information, problems, and purpose of you idea. Project plan idea should explain the step and activity to solve the problems. The conclusion explains the prediction of your results idea.

The specification information of your essay prior to submission:

  • Essay should be no more than 1500 words (including references, headings and text).
  • You can add the figure or table with limitation on maximum of 3 pages (text, figure and table).
  • Entries must be written in English.
  • Layout of paper: A4 (20.99 x 29.69 cm) and margin: 1.5 top, 1.5 right, 1.5 right and 2 left.
  • Your submission must be 1.15 lines spaced.
  • The font text must be Times New Roman with font size 11 points while font heading title must be Times New Roman with font size 14 points and bold.
  • First indent should be 1 cm. All text should be in justify text while heading title should be center text.
  • Your name and institution should be put in the last text with bold text and align text right.
  • All entries must be original idea.
  • All entries must be received by 3 December 2020 (23:59, WIB: Indonesian Time).
  • Your submission should consist of single pdf file. Only one entry is allowed per person. If you submit entries for several times, the first entry received will be the only entry assessed. Only one file will be sent to the judges.
  • You can check and follow the essay template.   
  • Essay should be submitted directly via the competition entry form: You should use gmail to submit your essay.


Presentation rules

The five selected presenters have to deliver their essay idea, which have been written. Each presenter will get 12 minutes to present. A warning bell will sound with two minutes to go. A final honk will sound precisely on 12 minutes. You then need to close your presentation – a maximum of 15 seconds will be given after the honk for the wrap up of your presentation. You can handle your presentation during talk. During your presentation, talk clearly and smoothly. Clarity is of the essence. Presenters with English as their mother tongue and a fast mode of speaking should think of other people in the audience whose mother tongue may not be English since this is an international event. Send your final presentation slides to at least 1 day before the Presentation Event. Check and follow the slide presentation template from committee. The detail information will be announced to the presenters after the five presenters will have been selected. The judges’ decision is final.


Reference rules

References and/or a bibliography are strongly recommended. A complete reference should provide the reader with enough information, consist of: name(s) and initials; date published; title of journal, book or other publication; volume number; editors, if any; town of publication and publisher in parentheses for books; the page numbers. Please use the Vancouver numerical system where references are numbered sequentially throughout the text. The numbers occur within square brackets, like this [2], and one number can be used to designate several references. The reference list gives the references in numerical, not alphabetical, order.

Points to note

  • There should be a 5 mm gap between the reference number (e.g., ‘[8]’) and the start of the reference text.
  • The authors should be in the form surname (with only the first letter capitalized) followed by the initials with no periods after the initials. Authors should be separated by a comma except for the last two which should be separated by ‘and’ with no comma preceding it.
  • The journal title is in italic and is abbreviated. If a journal has several parts denoted by different letters the part letter should be inserted after the journal in Roman type, e.g. PhysRev. A. Please do not join the part letter to the volume number in bold type.
  • Both the initial and final page numbers should be given where possible. The final page number should be in the shortest possible form and separated from the initial page number by an en rule ‘– ‘, e.g. 1203–14, i.e. the numbers ‘12’ are not repeated.
  • Up to ten authors may be given in a particular reference; where there are more than ten only the first should be given followed by et al.


Here are some examples to write the references:

Published papers

[1]   Strite S and Morkoc H 1992 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 10 1237

[2]   Nakamura S, Senoh M, Nagahama S, Iwase N, Yamada T, Matsushita T, Kiyoku H and Sugimoto Y 1996 Japan. J. Appl. Phys. 35 L74


[1]   Sze S M 1969 Physics of Semiconductor Devices (New York: Wiley–Interscience)

[2]   Caplar R and Kulisic P 1973 Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics (Munich) vol 1 (Amsterdam: North-Holland/American Elsevier) p 517

[3]   Szytula A and Leciejewicz J 1989 Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths vol 12, ed K A Gschneidner Jr and L Erwin (Amsterdam: Elsevier) p 133



Congratulation !! The following participants have qualified for the presentation session

1. Anggi Siti Fatimah (IPB University, Indonesia)
2. Dayana Afrina Binti Irawan (University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)
3. Eric Verchius (IPB University, Indonesia)
4. Jessy Ovalia Siregar (IPB University, Indonesia)
5. Naufal Ma'arif (Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia)


Winner Announcement

1. 1st winner : Dayana Afrina Binti Irawan, Universiti Putra Malaysia (t= 10,02)

2. 2nd Winner: Eric Verchius, IPB University (t=6,55)

3. Juara 3: Jessy Ovalia, IPB University (t=-1,10)

Finalist: Anggi Siti Fatimah (IPB University) dan Naufal  Maarif (State University of Jakarta).


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