Website resmi Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam IPB




Empat Dosen Berpartisipasi di International Seminar and Status Workshop CRC 990 Indonesia-Jerman

  • 10 Oktober 2014
  • Terakhir diubah pada 20 Oktober 2014

Dr. Iman Rusmana, Head of Department Biology, Dr. Nisa Rachmania, Dr. Triadiati, and Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati have attended International Seminar and Status Workshop Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 990 in Jambi, October 9th, 2014. CRC 990 is a multi-year joint research project between the University of Goettingen (UGOE) in Germany and the Indonesian Consortium, consisting of IPB, University of Jambi, and University of Tadulako ( More than 120 participants from those universities attended the workshop held at Hotel Abadi, Jambi.

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