Website resmi Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam IPB




Fendi Berangkat ke Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources (GPGR4) Jerman

  • 16 Oktober 2017

Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Biologi Tumbuhan Departemen Biologi mengikuti seminar di 4th Internasional Symposium on Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources (GPGR4) di Giessen, Germany pada tanggal 3-7 September 2017. Mahasiswa tersebut yaitu Miftahul Huda Fendiyanto (Fendi), mendapatkan travel scholarships sebesar lebih dari 1.000 (EUR) dan tambahan dana dari Kemahasiswaan IPB. Setelah proses…


Seorang Ahli Protein Datang ke IPB

  • 11 Oktober 2017

Hari ini, Assoc. Prof. Susumu Uchiyama dari Osaka University Jepang hadir di depan puluhan mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor. Dia yang merupakan bagian dari Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan, menjelaskan protein kepada para mahasiswa.  Pada kegiatan yang diadakan di Auditorium FMIPA ini, dia berhasil memukau para mahasiswa tentang proteomik dari pengetahuan dasar hingga peralatan untuk mempelajarinya. Dia juga menjelaskan tentang proteomik kromosom dan bagaimana membuat ekstraknya.  Kegiatan kuliah tamu ini adalah bagian dari World Class…


Guest Lecture: the Formation of Functional Osteoclast

  • 10 Oktober 2017

Assistant Professor Norihiro Kitagawa of Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan arrived in Bogor to give a speech about bone formation. In the guest lecture event today (10/10), he mentioned about the molecular mechanism of cell fusion and bone resorption. In addition, based on his finding he targeted to design a functional drug. In the event held in RK Bio 1.3, Kitagawa sensei explained about his research in front of Undergraduate and…


IPB EDU EXPO 2017: "Biology can be so artsy"

  • 2 Oktober 2017

On Saturday, 7 September 2017, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) held IPB Edu Expo 2017. The event has an aim to educate the participant (senior high school student) and promote study programs of IPB. In the event taken place in Grha Widya Wisuda, all of IPB faculties and schools have participated to promote their study programs. Department of Biology and other Department in Faculty of Mathematics and…


Welcome to Our New Graduate Student!

  • 5 September 2017

The Department of Biology organized an official Welcoming Ceremony for all new Graduate Student on Monday, September 4, 2017. In the event took place at RK Bio 1.2, all new Graduate Student (Master Degree and Doctoral Degree) from Study Program of Microbiology, Animal Biosciences, and Plant Biology gathered to get information about Department of Biology. During the…
