Official website: Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB

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Graduate Program in Plant Biology



"Providing opportunities to become Masters and Doctors of Plant Biology with specializations in plant cell and physiology research, plant genetics and molecular biology, tropical plant resources and ecology, and plant systematics."

Master's Program in Plant Biology (M.Si.)

Doctoral Program in Plant Biology (Dr.)


A: Master's Program in Plant Biology (M.Sc.) (Decree No. 4463/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/M/VIII/2020)

Excellent: Doctoral Program in Plant Biology (Ph.D.) (Decree No. 022/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/D/IV/2023)

Surveys (2024)


Master's Program (M.Si.)


By 2030, the Master's Program in Plant Biology will become a center of excellence in postgraduate education in plant biology at the national and international levels, with strengths in research and development of plant biology for environmentally friendly agribusiness, bioindustry, and health.



  1. Conduct quality master's degree programs to produce professional human resources in the field of plant biology, play a role in the development of science and technology in the field of plant biology, and actively participate in national development.
  2. Develop basic knowledge of Plant Biology as a foundation in the management of plant diversity and application in the field of plant biotechnology that supports agriculture, bioindustry, and health.
  3. Play a role in agricultural, environmental, and health development based on the utilization of basic knowledge of Plant Biology in the management and utilization of plant resources in a sustainable manner for the greatest welfare of the Indonesian people.



  1. Produce professional and virtuous Master graduates in Plant Biology
  2. Produce scientific works and innovations in the field of plant biology that are recognized nationally and internationally.
  3. Make plant biology science beneficial to human welfare through the utilization of research results and community service activities.


Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)

  1. Possess an honest, disciplined, responsible character, scientific ethics, and noble character
  2. Able to master and develop knowledge in the field of plant biology through academic activities
  3. Able to produce innovative and tested works in the field of plant biology and the field of expertise in plant cell physiology and biology or genetics and molecular biology or plant ecology or plant systematics through research
  4. Able to formulate and propose solutions to problems in the field of plant biology by making research proposals
  5. Able to solve problems in the field of plant biology through research with an interdisciplinary approach in the field of plant biology
  6. Able to publish research results in national or international scientific forums/journals or communicate them to the public
  7. Able to organize resources to conduct research and development in the field of plant biology
  8. Able to collaborate with colleagues in the field of plant biology or related fields
  9. Able to become a decision-maker related to the scientific discipline mastered within the scope of his work


Doctoral Program (Dr.)


By 2030, it will become an international standard postgraduate program in Plant Biology that excels in postgraduate education, research, and development of plant biosciences, biodiversity, and biotechnology. It will also contribute to the development of agriculture and bioindustry, environmental management, and health.



  1. Organize professional doctoral education that is recognized nationally and regionally and fosters a quality academic life to produce Doctors in Plant Biology who are highly capable of developing science and technology in the field of Plant Biology and actively participate in national development.
  2. Conduct quality and world-class research to develop knowledge and innovation in the field of Plant Biology as a foundation in the management of plant diversity and the utilization of plants in the field of bioprospecting and plant biotechnology to support the development of agriculture, bioindustry, environment, and health.
  3. Play an active role in the management and utilization of plant resources in a sustainable manner to support agricultural, environmental, and health development based on the utilization of knowledge and research results in the field of Plant Biology for the greatest welfare of the Indonesian people.
  4. Build networks and collaborations with various educational institutions, research institutions, governments, and private sectors both at home and abroad to support quality education, research, and community service activities.



  1. Realize the implementation of a quality doctoral program that is able to compete at the national and regional levels
  2. Create a conducive academic environment to support quality education and research activities
  3. Implementing a standardized study program management system nationally and internationally
  4. Produce professional and highly moral Doctor graduates
  5. Produce scientific works, innovations, and IPR in the field of Plant Biology and Biosciences that are recognized nationally and internationally
  6. Produce scientific findings and research products that are utilized by the community and known nationally
  7. Build national and international cooperation in the fields of education, research, and community service


Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)

  1. Graduates are experts in the field of plant biology and are able to develop new knowledge through research
  2. Graduates are able to produce creative, original, and tested works in the fields of plant physiology and cellular biology, or genetics and molecular biology, or ecology, or plant systematics
  3. Graduates are able to communicate their work in the form of forums and scientific journals both nationally and internationally
  4. Graduates are able to create agendas and research proposals for short, medium, and long term in the fields of plant physiology and cellular biology, or genetics and molecular biology, or ecology, or plant systematics, or other specific fields related to plant biology
  5. Graduates are able to solve problems in the field of plant biology through inter or multi-disciplinary approaches of plant biology and transdisciplinary
  6. Graduates are able to establish collaborative networks with colleagues in their field or institutions related to their field of work
  7. Graduates are able to manage and develop resources to conduct research and development in the field of plant biology and related fields
  8. Graduates are able to become decision-makers related to the scientific discipline mastered within the scope of national or international


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