Graduate Program in Plant Biology
“Offers graduate programs leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Biology with opportunity for specialization in the following area of research: plant cell and physiology, plant genetics and molecular biology, tropical plant resources and ecology, and plant systematics”
Master Program in Plant Biology (S2)
Doctoral Program in Plant Biology (S3)
A: Program Magister Biologi Tumbuhan (S2) (No SK 4463/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/M/VIII/2020)
Unggul: Program Doktor Biologi Tumbuhan (S3) (No. SK: 022/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/D/IV/2023)
Surveys (2024)
- Survey kepuasan pengguna lulusan PS S2 Biologi Tumbuhan
- Survey kepuasan mahasiswa dan alumni PS S2 Biologi Tumbuhan
- Tracer study lulusan PS S2 Biologi Tumbuhan
Visi, Misi, Tujuan Program Studi Biologi Tumbuhan
Master's Program in Plant Biology
By 2030, the Master's Program in Plant Biology aims to become a leading center in postgraduate education in Plant Biology at both national and international levels, excelling in research and development of plant biology for the advancement of agribusiness, eco-friendly bioindustry, and health.
Mission of the Master's Program in Plant Biology:
- To provide an internationally standardized master's education that excels in producing competitive, character-driven, and high-quality graduates in the field of plant biology.
- To conduct research for the development of knowledge in the fields of biodiversity, ecology, plant physiology, and genetics, as well as technology in the fields of cellular molecular biology and plant biotechnology, to support advancements in agriculture, health, and tropical biosciences that benefit society and the sustainable conservation of plant resources.
- To engage in community service that emphasizes innovation in science and technology in the field of plant biology while preserving local wisdom and the sustainability of plant resources and the environment.
- To strengthen cooperation with various stakeholders both domestically and internationally, which benefits the enhancement of the tridharma (three pillars of higher education) management in the Master's Program in Plant Biology and its partners.
Objectives of the Master's Program in Plant Biology:
- To produce master's graduates with high competence in the field of Plant Biology.
- To generate research products in the field of Plant Biology, including publications, intellectual property rights, plant strains/varieties, and products that can be utilized by society.
- To develop networks and collaborations with all stakeholders to participate in the development of Plant Biology in Indonesia.
Doctoral Program in Plant Biology (S3)
Vision of the Doctoral Program in Plant Biology:
By 2030, the Doctoral Program in Plant Biology aims to become an internationally recognized postgraduate program in Plant Biology, excelling in postgraduate education, research, and the development of biosciences, biodiversity, and tropical plant biotechnology, while contributing to the advancement of agriculture, bioindustry, environmental management, and health.
Mission of the Doctoral Program in Plant Biology:
- To provide professional doctoral education recognized nationally and regionally, fostering a high-quality academic environment to produce PhDs in Plant Biology who are highly capable in the development of science and technology in Plant Biology and actively contribute to national development.
- To conduct high-quality, world-class research to develop knowledge and innovation in Plant Biology as a foundation for managing plant biodiversity and utilizing plants in bioprospecting and plant biotechnology to support the development of agriculture, bioindustry, environment, and health.
- To actively participate in the sustainable management and utilization of plant resources to support agricultural, environmental, and health development based on the application of knowledge and research findings in Plant Biology for the maximum benefit of the Indonesian nation.
- To build networks and collaborations with various educational, research, governmental, and private institutions both domestically and internationally to support high-quality education, research, and community service activities.
Objectives of the Doctoral Program in Plant Biology:
- To achieve the implementation of a high-quality doctoral program that is competitive at national and regional levels.
- To create a conducive academic environment to support high-quality education and research activities.
- To implement nationally and internationally standardized management of the study program.
- To produce professional and highly ethical PhD graduates.
- To generate scientific works, innovations, and intellectual property in the field of Plant Biology and Biosciences that are recognized nationally and internationally.
- To produce scientific discoveries and research products that are utilized by society and recognized nationally.
- To build national and international collaborations in the fields of education, research, and community service.
Learning Outcomes
Program Master (S2)
Lulusan mampu menguasai dan mengembangkan pengetahuan di bidang biologi tumbuhan melalui kegiatan akademik
Lulusan mampu menghasilkan karya inovatif dan teruji di bidang biologi tumbuhan dan bidang keahlian fisiologi dan biologi sel tumbuhan atau genetika dan biologi molekular atau ekologi tumbuhan atau sistematika tumbuhan melalui riset
Lulusan mampu mempublikasikan hasil riset pada forum/jurnal ilmiah nasional atau internasional maupun mengkomunikasikan kepada masyarakat
Lulusan mampu merumuskan dan mengusulkan pemecahan permasalahan di bidang biologi tumbuhan dengan membuat proposal riset
Lulusan mampu memecahkan permasalahan di bidang biologi tumbuhan melalui riset dengan pendekatan interdisiplin dalam bidang biologi tumbuhan
Lulusan mampu bekerjasama dengan sesama kolega dalam bidang biologi tumbuhan atau bidang terkait
Lulusan mampu mengorganisir sumberdaya untuk melakukan riset dan pengembangan bidang biologi tumbuhan
Lulusan mampu menjadi pengambil keputusan yang berkaitan dengan disiplin ilmu yang dikuasai dalam lingkup kerjanya
Program Doktor (S3)
- Lulusan ahli di bidang biologi tumbuhan dan mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan baru melalui riset
Lulusan mampu menghasilkan karya kreatif, original dan teruji di bidang fisiologi dan biologi selular, atau genetika dan biologi molekular, atau ekologi, atau sistematika tumbuhan - Lulusan mampu mengkomunikasikan hasil karyanya dalam bentuk forum dan jurnal ilmiah baik pada tingkat nasional maupun internasional
- Lulusan mampu membuat agenda dan proposal riset jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang dalam bidang fisiologi dan biologi selular, atau genetika dan biologi molekular, atau ekologi, atau sistematika tumbuhan, atau bidang spesifik lain yang terkait dengan biologi tumbuhan
- Lulusan mampu memecahkan permasalahan di bidang biologi tumbuhan melalui pendekatan inter atau multidisiplin biologi tumbuhan maupun transdisiplin
- Lulusan mampu menjalin jejaring kerjasama dengan sesama kolega di bidangnya atau institusi terkait dengan bidang kerjanya
- Lulusan mampu mengelola dan mengembangkan sumberdaya untuk melakukan riset dan pengembangan bidang biologi tumbuhan dan bidang-bidang yang terkait
- Lulusan mampu menjadi pengambil keputusan yang berkaitan dengan disiplin ilmu yang dikuasai dalam lingkup nasional atau internasional