Official website: Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB

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Events Archive December 2015

A Host of Green Campus: the Green Bird

  • 19 December 2015

Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) is the campus biodiversity of  flora and fauna. One of the diverse fauna species found in this green campus is a warm-blooded animal which has special characteristics hairy or usually are called birds. On Saturday, December 5th, 2015 around 07.00 a.m., Observasi Wahana Alam (OWA) Division of Himabio IPB are gathered at Blue corner to start the observations of the biodiversity bird species. The equipments are SLR cameras, stationery and notes. With a…

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A Solitary Macaca

  • 17 December 2015

In the morning of Saturday, December 5th, 2015, Observasi Wahana Alam (OWA) Division of Himabio IPB is conducting observation campus. We make this observations starting from the blue corner, then pass Al-Hurriyah, and the last destination to the rektorat park area. When we reached the SEAFAST, we do birdwatching among big trees there and take the picture of many beautiful birds. After that, we continue the journey pass through a small street just before…

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