Official website: Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB

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IPB Open House

  • 23 February 2015

Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) held Open House that allowed high school student to visit campus and get information about faculties in IPB (2/23/2015). IPB Open House taken place in Graha Widya Wisuda (GWW), Darmaga campus. Department of Biology, as part of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), participated in this occassion. Togheter with other departments, Department of Biology, assisted by Himabio, presented its products and other promotion stuffs…

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Inauguration of 2015 Biology Student Association

  • 20 February 2015

Inauguration member of Biology Student Association (HIMABIO) IPB 2015 was done by HIMABIO board council on February 14th, 2015 at RK. 0 Fak FMIPA IPB. The inauguration was attended by Dr. Berry Juliandi, M.Si as representatives of the Department of Biology IPB and the DPM of Science Faculty to certify new board of HIMABIO. In 2015, HIMABIO choose different name of cabinet from previous year.This year the cabinet name inspired from a…

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Guest Lecture by Postgraduate Student from University of Santo Thomas - Philippines

  • 24 December 2014

Department Biology held a Guest Lecture on Monday, December 22th, 2014 at Department Biology's Meeting Room. The lecture entitled: “The Fruticose Lichen Ramalina" by Shenly Marie T. Gazo, postgraduate student (Master/S2) majoring Microbiology from University of Santo Thomas, Graduate School Espana, Manila - Philippines. Ms. Shenly research is supervised by two of our staff Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati and Prof.…

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Berkreasi dalam Pesta Cendawan

  • 9 December 2014

Pada 9 Desember 2014, Pesta Cendawan kembali diadakan Departemen Biologi FMIPA IPB sebagai bagian dari aplikasi mata kuliah Biologi Cendawan. Kegiatan yang berlangsung meriah ini diadakan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa dalam mengeksplorasi pemanfaatan cendawan di bidang pangan. Kegiatan yang diadakan di Auditorium JH Hutasoit Fakultas Peternakan ini diikuti oleh mahasiswa dari departemen Proteksi Tanaman. Semester ini, mahasiswa tersebut mengambil mata kuliah Biologi Cendawan. Mahasiswa dalam kelompok membuat kreasi makanan berbahan baku cendawan atau makanan yang dalam prosesnya menggunakan…

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Natural Exploration of OWA Himabio IPB in Bodogol West Java

  • 19 October 2014

Saturday, 20/09/2014, Observasi Wahana Alam (OWA) division of Himabio IPB went on Natural Exploration activity to Sukabumi, West Java. Natural Exploration activity (EKSAM) is annually conducted once a year. The exploration was located in Bodogol Natural Conservation and Education Centre (PPKAB), The National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango. PPKAB has known as in-situ conservation area, which is occupied by various species of flora and fauna such as primates and biopharmaca…

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