Vice Rector and Deputy of LPPM Visited The Scientific Writing Training
- 3 October 2014
Starting from September 30th until October 4th, 2014 at IPB International Convention Center, Department of Biology held Scientific Writing Training for its Lecturers and others in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. We are very happy that Vice Rector for Research and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Anas Miftah Fauzi, M.Sc; and Deputy of Research and Community Services Institute (LPPM), Prof.Dr. Agik Suprayogi, M.Sc., visited the training at day 3 and day 4, respectively. We hope that the same training can be held at…
Read MoreScientific Writing Training for Trainer by Staff of Adelaide University
- 1 October 2014

Starting from September 30th until October 4th, 2014 at IPB International Convention Center, Department of Biology held Scientific Writing Training for its Lecturers and others in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This training involves 21 Lecturers from Department of Biology, 1 Lecturer from Department of Mathematics, 1 Lecturer from Department of Computer…
Read MoreSeminars and research activity of Dr. Nisa Mubarik in Dubai-Bangkok-Cirebon
- 21 September 2014

Dr. Nisa Mubarik, lecturer at the Department of Microbiology became a speaker on "The 1st Middle East Molecular Biology (MEMB) 2014 Conference" on Dec. 14-17 September 2014 in Dubai. Previously, Dr. Nisa Mubarik also attends "The 1st ASEAN Microbial Biotechnology Conference" on 19-21 February 2014 in Bangkok. Other activities done were becoming a member of the research team Quarry Life Award (QLA)…
Read MoreDouble Degree Program Cooperation: Indonesia-France
- 16 September 2014

Initiation of double degree cooperation Indonesia-France (DDIP) has started. Prof. Suharsono, head of The Physiology and genetics of plants that also Counselors as the main one of the students who follow the program, Retno Lestari from PS plant biology (BOT), has conducted a visit to CIRAD (International Center for Agriculture Research and Development) and SupAgro (College of Agriculture) Montpellier, France, on 13-August 27, 2014. On the visit, Professor Suharsono do direct monitoring of research…
Read MoreWorkshop on Postgraduate Study Programme
- 6 September 2014

Dalam rangka penginternasionalisasian program studi pascasarjana di Departemen Biologi dan peningkatan kerjasama dengan perguruan tinggi luar negeri, Departemen Biologi mengadakan Lokakarya bertajuk: "Pengembangan Program Studi Internasional-Kerjasama Dengan PT Luar Negeri". Lokakarya ini berlangsung pada hari Sabtu, 6 September 2014 pukul 09.00 - 17.00 WIB bertempat di IPB International Convention Center. Hadir sebagai narasumber pada…
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