News Archive October 2014
Rahmah Arfiyah Ula and Representative of Bogor Regency Become The Grand Champion of JUMTEK 2014
- 19 October 2014
Jumpa, bakti, gembira, dan temu karya (JUMTEK) 2014 was the final agenda of development activity for PMI volunteers. The purpose of this activity was to conduct a gathering, evaluation, as well as a form of appreciation of PMI to the management, staff, and volunteers, "said Dani Ramdan, vice-chairman of West Java PMI field of human resources and volunteers, as well as chairman of the committee organizers. JUMTEK 2014 took place on 13th October 17, 2014 in Katapang…
Read MoreStudent Training: Technical Skill for Scientific Presentation for Most Valuable Student Candidates
- 11 October 2014
Training in Technical Skill for Scientific Presentation organized by Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science (FMIPA) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). This training held to improve student skill in English scientific presentation as part of mahasiswa berprestasi (most valuable student) candidate guidance. As many as 40 most valuable student candidates from 8 Departments in FMIPA attended the training. Department of Biology delegated 5 students, Ahadyah Ayu Umaiya, Mashudi, Rizki Dwi Satrio,…
Read MoreFour Lecturers Attended International Seminar and Status Workshop CRC 990 Indonesia-Germany
- 10 October 2014
Dr. Iman Rusmana, Head of Department Biology, Dr. Nisa Rachmania, Dr. Triadiati, and Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati have attended International Seminar and Status Workshop Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 990 in Jambi, October 9th, 2014. CRC 990 is a multi-year joint research project between the University of Goettingen (UGOE) in Germany and the Indonesian Consortium, consisting of IPB, University of Jambi, and University of Tadulako ( More than 120 participants from those universities attended the workshop held at Hotel Abadi,…
Read MoreStudent of Dept. Biology Received Best Paper Award at International Conference, Thailand
- 3 October 2014
Hendri Sutanto, mahasiswa S2 Fastrack Program Studi Mikrobiologi, Departemen Biologi, mendapatkan penghargaan "Best Paper Award" pada International Conference on Environmental and Biological Sciences. The conference was held from September 26-27th, 2014, at Krabi-Thailand. Hendri Sutanto merupakan mahasiswa bimbingan Dr. Iman Rusmana dan Dr. Nisa R. Mubarik. Ia mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya dengan judul: Community succession of methanotrophic bacteria on pmoA gene in rice fields.
Read MoreDept. Biology Students Compete in National Science Debate Competition
- 1 October 2014
Tiga orang perwakilan IPB ikut serta dalam acara Lomba Debat Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro. Ketiganya merupakan Mahasiswa Biologi angkatan 49 (2012), yakni Ahmad A. Putra, Apip Nurdin dan Brian Theowidavitya. Lomba yang diadakan pada Sabtu, 27 September 2014 ini diikuti oleh 16 tim yang berhasil lolos seleksi tahap I. Berbeda dengan lomba debat pada umumnya yang menekankan pada sisi politik, kali ini background-nya ditekankan pada sisi keilmiahan. Inilah yang menjadi…
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