News Archive July 2019
Introducing Biopori, Citizens of Babakan Kembar, Situ Gunung Ready to Dig Some Holes
- 12 July 2019

"This introduction is very useful. Our residents are excited to see the demonstration given, "said Juarma, the chairman of Babakan Kembar, Gede Pangrango Village, Kadudampit located in Situ Gunung area. Located at Babakan Kembar, several lecturers and students from bachelor, master, and doctoral degree in the Department of Biology met with residents for biopori socialization…
Read MoreExploring Situ Gunung, Department of Biology is Ready to Update Biodiversity Data and Its Potency
- 12 July 2019

“If I can detail observe some color that appeared in a plant, I can also observe our bright future in detail”, a male student said as a joke to a female student when he observed the color gradation on a plant leaves. Meanwhile, some students explored Situ Gunung lake by swimming in to find its animal diversity. Other students, take a soil sample from the side of the lake to analyze its indigenous microorganisms communities. That is an…
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