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News Archive May 2018

Guest Lecture: Waste Plant Materials as Cosmetic Materials

  • 28 May 2018

"More than 600 million tons of waste plant materials are generated worldwide nowadays. People reuse it only for home gardening or composting." Lin said it as an introductory speech. "Our preliminary studies suggested that it could be an excellent source of phytochemicals, high-value one, for cosmetics application." He added.  Chung-Ho Lin Ph.D. is one of an expert of the Center for Agroforestry, School of Natural…

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ONMIPA-PT 2018: Medal Tradition Continued

  • 8 May 2018

In the third times of his participation, Siswadi Aji Hutomo got his first gold medal of 'Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam - Perguruan Tinggi (ONMIPA-PT)', a National Olympiad in Mathematics and Natural Sciences for University Students, in the field of Biology (7/5/2018). The medal completed his collection of bronze medals as a reward from the same competition in…

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Education Staff Gathering in Melrimba Garden

  • 7 May 2018

On January 17, 2018, the education staff of Department of Biology FMIPA IPB joined in an event named education staff gathering in Melrimba Garden, Puncak, Bogor. The event aims to provide a place and time to gather all of the education staff in a fun and relaxing activity as well as to get some knowledge of ornamental plants.  The staff has a fun activity such as games, garden visit, archery class, ornamental plant workshop continued to…

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Bionic 2018

  • 7 May 2018

Bionic (Biology on Science and Application) 2018 is an event held once a year by Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi (HIMABIO) IPB. The theme for this year is Local Bioresources for National Food Security intended to spread knowledge regarding recent issues about food security, especially di Indonesia. Bionic 2018 consist of several agenda, such as LKTIN (Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Nasional), essay competition, national seminar, and workshop. BIONIC 2018 was…

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