News Archive October 2015
Two staffs accompanying a foreigner researcher talked about water at SMA Kornita, Bogor
- 30 October 2015

Water is the most important molecule needs by all organism in biosphere. Water used by cell as the main component in cell building and support it metabolism. Related to water, Dr. Yasuhiro Kato, a researcher from Aqua Lab, Health Science Center, Peking University, China, explained that the importance of good water quality to support the life of human. He suggested that polluted water need very long time for being purified. Dr. Kato explained these story in the Seminar of Bioscience…
Read MoreMashudi Gave a Speak about his Research Result in Malang
- 2 October 2015

Mashudi, Bio48, presented his research result entitled Isolation and Characterization of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria from Post-mining Limestone Quarry: Bacterial Screening for Eco-fertilizer at the 6th International Conference on Green Technology. Dr. Nisa Rachmania Mubarik M.Si. and Dr Ir Ratih Dewi Hastuti are his supervisors of the research. He participated the event that held in Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang as oral presenter. Some of keynote speakers of the…
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