Official website: Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB

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News Archive May 2015

More Medals in 2015 ON MIPA - PT

  • 28 May 2015

  Department of Biology-IPB got another achievement this year. This time at the Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam - Perguruan Tinggi (ON MIPA - PT) 2015 or 2015 Mathematics and Natural Sciences National Olympiads - College Level, Biology field, as many as four IPB students won medals. At the event that held at Pullman Surabaya City Center, Mashudi won gold medal. The Silver Medal successfully grabbed by Muhammad Fadhil Amin and Ekky Ilham Romadhona. Meanwhile, in this event Muhammad Umar Said Muksini, again,…

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Partisipasi Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Biologi di Pasca Cup IPB 2015

  • 20 May 2015

Pasca Cup merupakan kegiatan tahunan rutin yang diadakan oleh Forum Wacana IPB. Pelaksanaannya meliputi beberapa pertandingan, seperti Futsal, Badminton, Tenis Meja, Catur, Cooking Contest, Debate Competition, dan pertandingan tradisional. Pada tanggal 17 Mei 2015 diselenggarakan pertandingan tradisional yang bertempat di lapangan Andi Hakim Nasution IPB. Peserta terdiri dari perwakilan semua Program Studi Pascasarjana IPB. Cabang pertandingan tradisional terdiri dari…

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Dr. Mashuri Waite, PhD: Some Goats are Pests in Hawai

  • 5 May 2015

Dr. Mashuri Waite, PhD, University of Hawai, have a long research experience related to ecology of small islands in Hawai. He talked his experience in Guest Lecture Seminar held by Plant Biology Study Program at Tuesday, 28th April 2015 in International Seminar Room, Lv 4, FPIK IPB. More than 50 participants attended this…

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Prof. Dr. I Nengah Surati Jaya, M.Agr Talked About Spatial Modelling and Biosciences

  • 5 May 2015

Prof. Dr. I Nengah Surati Jaya, M.Agr (Faculty of Forestry - IPB, Indonesia) said that the Bioscience is the branch of the sciences concerned with living organisms, from microorganisms to towering trees and gigantic whales. Spatial Science is an academic discipline incorporating fields such as surveying, geographic information systems, hydrography and cartography. Ecology, as one of bioscience branch, should be supported by spatial science. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. I Nengah Surati Jaya, M.Agr also talked about geographic information system (GIS) as one…

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CONGRATULATION! Hayati Journal of Biosciences will be hosted in Science Direct Elsevier

  • 5 May 2015

HAYATI Journal of Biosciences (HAYATI J Biosci) has made a historical step on Saturday, 29th April 2015. On this date, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) through the Directorate of Research and Innovation (DITRI) of IPB signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Elsevier, an academic publishing company that publishes medical and scientific literature based in Amsterdam Netherlands. This means that HAYATI J Biosci passed high…

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