News Archive January 2018
Goes to Belitung Island
- 18 January 2018

On 17-18 January 2018, Department of Biology held a trip to Belitung Island. The trip named Family Gathering aims to strengthen the faculty's teamwork as well as to discuss some important plan of Department of Biology in one year. The first day's activities was a visit to the islands around the main island of Belitung. The faculties were having some activities includes sea swimming, a cave visit, and eating some local foods. The faculties…
Read MoreEka and his PKPI-PMDSU Program in NAIST, Japan
- 3 January 2018

M. Eka Prastya is a graduate student from Study Program of Microbiology, Department of Biology IPB supervised by Prof. Dr. Aris Tri Wahyudi M.Si., Dr. Rika Indri Astuti S.Si. M.Si. and Dr. Irmanida Batubara, M.Si. He is one of the students that join part in research collaboration program in Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan for six months from December, 4th 2017 until May, 23th 2018. The…
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