News Archive April 2016
Thank You, bioipb!
- 19 April 2016

First of all, let me praise gratitude to the almighty Allah SWT. for all the blessings, for the day and moment I have. I would also like to thank all the members of staff at Department of Biology, FMIPA IPB, especially for all my lecturers. Thank you for being such a best lecturer for me. You have given me useful knowledge that is as precious as life lessons. I'm so grateful that I could through the bachelor education in the Department.…
Read MoreOncom Blended Drink as the Winner
- 6 April 2016

Students of Department of Biology, Meiliana Choiriyah, Rosy Saputri and Apip Nurdin were the 1st winner of AGRI FESTIVAL 2016 that organized by Mahasiswa Peminat Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (Misekta) - Hasanuddin University, Makassar. AGRI FESTIVAL 2016 was a National Business Plan Competition themed ‘Aksikan Ide Bisnismu Menjadi Wirausaha Pertanian yang Kreatif melalui Inovasi Pangan Lokal’. The event participated…
Read MorePlant Biology held a Stadium General
- 5 April 2016

On Thursday, March 31th, a stadium general held at Ruang Kuliah RD.02 Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB. In this occassion, Muhammad Arief Budiman Ph.D. spoke about "Genomic: Manfaat dan Masa Depan Pengembangannya". He is an Indonesian citizen scientists who working at Orion Genomic USA. In his speak, he is sharing his experience about molecular markers…
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