News Archive September 2016
Dr. Rika Indri Astuti as Invited Speaker at the 14th International Conference on Yeast - Japan
- 28 September 2016

One of the academic staff of Department of Biology, Dr. Rika Indri Astuti, M.Si, had been honored to be invited as one of the speakers at the 14th International Congress on Yeast (ICY14), held at Awaji Yumebutai, Kobe, Japan on 11th -15th September 2016. She reviewed her yeast research in an oral presentation entitled “The important role of radical molecules to modulate antioxidant properties in fission yeast” at a special workshop session,…
Read MoreTwo Staffs Attended International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science in Japan
- 17 September 2016

This year symposium were held at the Seminar House, Kyoto University, Kyoto prefecture, Japan. It was a semester event to getting together and updating works in primate and life science from around the world. Two of our Department of Biology staffs attend the event, Dr. BAMBANG SURYOBROTO and Dr. PUJI RIANTI. In this occasion, Dr. Bambang Suryobroto shared an update on wildlife research and conservation in Indonesia, while Dr.…
Read MoreIntroducing Tottori University
- 13 September 2016

After Prof. Shimomura visit (12/08), another scientist from Tottori University, Japan visited the Department of Biology. The scientist, Kinya Akashi, visit and gave a presentation in introducing Tottori Univeristy (10/9) to the faculty members of the department. He is an associate professor in Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University. In the meeting that held at Ruang Sidang Biologi, he explaining about Tottori campuses and education, Tottori sand dune restorartion, courses, and research.
Read MoreAUN QA Accreditation Preparation: Bangkok Training Course
- 8 September 2016

Dr Iman Rusmana, head of the department of biology, took a part in the AUN-QA Training Course for Accomplishing Programme Assestment. The training held in Bangkok and organized by AUN (Asean University Network). The training that held on 23-26 August 26th aims to introduces the AUN-QA (AUN Qualify Assurance) system and enhance the QA in universities. Dr Iman took a part of the training as a preparation of #bioipb AUN assessment in the next few years.…
Read MoreKU - IPB Student Exchange: Student Activities
- 4 September 2016

Seven undergraduate students of the Department of Biology participating fall semester program in the International Program of Bioscience and Technology, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand. The program that started from 8 August until 20 December 2016 is also participated by Nong Lam University (Vietnam) students. The student have several works to do such as academic, research, and other activity. The student take some courses, i.e, Introduction to Biotechnology, Introduction…
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