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News Archive April 2015

Let's Join Bionic 2015: Ecological Study toward a Sustainable Agriculture

  • 23 April 2015

Indonesia has abundance and potential nature resources, by large creature’s like Sumatera elephants, the tiniest primates in the world, there goes to food and horticulture plants. The biodiversity have to keep safe and manage optimally to gain the benefit by it as food source, industry, and along with energy resources for the future.  It can do by agriculture, the wise act to manage nature responsibly. By integrating agriculture, nature resources would manage optimally which would lead…

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharsono in Kick Off Meeting for Top Global University Project in NAIST, Japan

  • 12 April 2015

Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) held a symposium with the theme ‘kick off meeting for top global university project’ in Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) on 18-19 March 2015. Four Indonesian universities were attended in this symposium, together with Kasersart University (Thailand), Ateneo de Manila University (The Philippines), Hanoi University of Science (Vietnam) and UC Davis, University of California (USA). Four Indonesian professor…

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Collaboration of IPB and Gowa Regency Goverment, South Sulawesi

  • 12 April 2015

On  April 6, 2015,  IPB team that consisted of  Rector, Prof. Herry Suhardiyanto, Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Yonny Koesmaryono, Director of  Collaboration and  International Programs (KSPI), Dr. Edy Hartulistyoso dan Head Plant Physiology and Genetics Division, Department of Biology, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharsono DEA had visited Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. IPB team met Gowa Regent, Chairman dan Vice Chairman of Legislature (DPRD) of  Gowa, dan District Goverment Unit (SKPD) Gowa, that consisted of several…

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Sendok Hitam, Java Cobra (Naja sputatrix)

  • 1 April 2015

Sputatrix or Java Cobra Naja is a high venomous snakes. This snake could be hemotoksik or damaging blood cells and also neurotoxic or damaging nerve cells. In addition,in endangered situation, this snakes could spray its venom to crippled its opponent. Javanese people called this snake as a spoon snake for neck that could be…

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Prof. Dr Aris Tri Wahyudi M. Si. Uses Indigenous Bacteria to Promote Plant Growth

  • 1 April 2015

Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are the soil bacteria inhabiting around/on the root surface and are directly or indirectly involved in promoting plant growth and development via production and secretion of various regulatory chemicals in the vicinity of rhizosphere. One of Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Professor, Prof. Dr. Aris Tri Wahyudi M.Si., started his PGPR research on 2005 until now focusing on indigenous soil PGPR. Through his research program, Prof. Dr.…

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