News Archive May 2016
reuni@bioipb: what an amazing moment
- 24 May 2016
Ratusan alumni Departemen Biologi dari berbagai angkatan hadir memeriahkan reuni@bioipb. Kegiatan ini adalah kegiatan reuni akbar pertama kali yang diselenggarakan di Auditorium FMIPA dan lingkungan gedung baru Departemen Biologi. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan pada 22 Mei 2016 ini berlangsung dari pukul 08.00 sampai pukul 13.00. Hadir pada kesempatan ini, alumni Departemen Biologi (dulu disebut jurusan) angkatan IPB 16 sampai dengan 48. Dr. Berry Juliandi, ketua panitia, menyebutkan bahwa reuni ini adalah saat yang tepat memperkenalkan rumah baru Departemen Biologi bagi…
Read MoreMore Aware and Care One Another
- 16 May 2016
On Wednesday, May 4 2016, Supporting staff of Department of Biology had a journey to go to Tidung Island. This is regular event participated by all staff (about 25 participants) six monthly, and for the first time we deciding to take a fieldtrip to this island. We started our trip at 4 a.m. from Kampus IPB Baranangsiang by bus. Unfortunately, we had a problem with my bus we…
Read MoreBiology Students Took Award at a National Level Debate Competition
- 10 May 2016
Biology students do not just work in the lab, sometimes they have to speak in public. Usually, after lab work is completed, they should tell you what they do and what they produce. On several occasions, they speak in a debate forum. This time, Ruth Fitria (Bio50), Apip Nurdin (Bio49), and Riska Susilowati have a chance to participate in the National Debate Competition organized by the Students Union Bidikmisi in…
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