News Archive December 2017
The 2017 Mushroom (Fungi) Feast
- 27 December 2017

Department of Biology held the Mushroom (Fungi) Feast on Friday, December 22, 2017. The annual event held at Bio Corner Department of Biology featured processed foods and beverages made from mushrooms. There were more than five food types made and exhibited by Undergraduate Student in Biology Batch 53 such as mushroom milkshakes, mushroom teriyaki, avalanche shitake, mushroom satay, float cake, funny bunny cup mush, blue morning Pleurotus cakes, and others. In fact, not only various mushroom used in…
Read MoreThe 2017 FMIPA Reunion
- 20 December 2017

On December 17, 2017, the 2017 Alumni Meeting of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) held successfully at Astrid Square, Bogor Botanical Garden. The meeting started by an opening ceremony followed by the remarks, including remarks from the new IPB Rector, Dr. Arif Satria. In an event attended…
Read MoreThe 2017 IPB - Kasetsart University, Thailand Exchange Student Program
- 12 December 2017

Four undergraduate students from Departement of Biology have been joining Undergraduate Exchange Program 2017 held by International Program Centre (IPC), Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand, since August 1st to be completed on December 31st, 2017. This program was initially made regarding the collaborative agreement between Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB and Faculty of Science, KU…
Read MoreBOT Students Participate PKPI-PMDSU Program in NAIST, Japan
- 8 December 2017

Graduate Students of Plant Biology (BOT) Study Program, Department of Biology are participating on PKPI-PMDSU (Peningkatan Kualitas Publikasi Internasional-PMDSU) in Nara Institute of Science & Technology (NAIST), Japan. Two students who follow the program are Miftahul Huda Fendiyanto and Rizky Dwi Satrio. The PKPI-PMDSU Program is implemented for 6 Months, starting from October, 21st 2017 until April, 21st 2018. The PKPI-PMDSU program is organized by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristek-Dikti), Republic…
Read MoreAwards for Biologists at the 2017 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition, Taiwan
- 6 December 2017

Latiful Akbar and Auliya Fikri and his/her team able to get medals at the 2017 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Project Competition. The competition is an international paper competition organized by the International College, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST), Taiwan. The participants who joined in this competition are undergraduate students from various majors. The main topic of this competition is agriculture. There are 3 sub-themes, (A) Agriculture and life science (biotechnology,…
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