News Archive August 2016
The 3rd Workshop of Writing Scientific Research Articles in Natural Sciences
- 29 August 2016

Again, the Department of Biology organize the 3rd Workshop in Writing Scientific Research Articles in Natural Sciences for International Journals (26/8). The speaker of workshop is Dr Margaret Cargill from Adelaide University. Dr. Margaret Cargill and Dr. Patrick O'Connor are Authors of the famous "Writing Scientific Research Article" book published by Wiley-Blackwell. This year workshop take place at new home of the department and participated by the…
Read MoreDr. Miftahudin in the 7th International Crop Science Congress (7th ICSC) Beijing
- 28 August 2016

Dr. Ir. Miftahudin M.Si. attended the 7th International Crop Science Congress (7th ICSC) in Beijing on 14-19 August 2016. He presented his part of the research titled Silencing a gene encoding a protein containing ribosomal L32-like motif causes rice roots more sensitive to aluminum stress. His research is funded by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education under scheme International Collaboration and Scientific Publication F.Y. 2016. The 7th…
Read MoreLet's Make a Better World with Fungi
- 25 August 2016

On August 12th 2016, Prof Norihiro Shimomura (Tottori University) visited Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural University. He is also researcher of Fungus/Mushroom Resource and Research Center (FMRC) in Japan. As he said : Aim of Division of Mushroom Cultivation of FMRC is to enhance the value of the genetic resources of mushrooms by artificially cultivating the fruiting bodies of a wide variety of useful mushrooms. The research includes screening…
Read MoreFind Your Passion Early
- 24 August 2016

Dyna Rochmyaningsih known as a freelance science journalist from Indonesia. In contrast to ‘regular’ journalism, scientific journalism aim to render very detailed, specific, and often jargon-laden information produced by scientists into a form that non-scientists can understand and appreciate, while still communicating the information accurately (Wikipedia). She writes for Asian Scientist Magazine, SciDev.Net, and The Jakarta Post. After completed her Bachelor's Degree in the Department of Biology, she attended the Harvard Summer Course on…
Read MoreTwo Lecturers of IPB were inaugurated as new member of ALMI
- 24 August 2016

Two lecturers of IPB,Dr. Berry Juliandi (Department of Biology, FMIPA) and Dr. Husin Alatas (Department of Physics, FMIPA) were elected and inaugurated as new member of Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences (ALMI) on Friday (19/8) at Wisma Ainun dan Habibie, Jakarta. Last year, one lecturer of IPB Dr. Alan Koropitan (Department of Marine Science and Technology, FPIK) had been elected as inaugural member of…
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