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Bionic 2018

  • 7 May 2018
  • Last modified at 22 May 2018

Bionic (Biology on Science and Application) 2018 is an event held once a year by Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi (HIMABIO) IPB. The theme for this year is Local Bioresources for National Food Security intended to spread knowledge regarding recent issues about food security, especially di Indonesia. Bionic 2018 consist of several agenda, such as LKTIN (Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Nasional), essay competition, national seminar, and workshop. BIONIC 2018 was held for 2 days and 3 nights, from May 4th, 2018 until May 6th, 2018. The participant of LKTIN was a college student, and the participants of essay competition were the high school students from all over Indonesia, while seminar and workshop were attended by the high school students, college students, and the public.
LKTIN was attended by 26 finalists that consist of 9 teams from  6 universities in Indonesia, and essay competition was attended by  9 finalists from all over Indonesia. Finalist of LKTIN and essay was top ten participant selected after tight judging by the adjudicator and our competitive division. The finalist of LKTIN then followed several activities such as giving presentation and poster, while essay finalist giving their best poster. All finalist get several explanations regarding rules and obligation at the technical meeting on May 4th, 2018 inside the reading room of Department of Biology IPB before presentation and poster were started on Saturday, May 5th, 2018 at 07.00 WIB and finished at 14.00 WIB. The finalist also attends gala dinner that was held on Saturday, May 5th, 2018, after the competition was finished. Gala dinner started at 18.30 WIB until 21.00 WIB. Gala dinner was intended to tighten the bond between participants and the committee. Gala dinner was filled with traditional dance, acoustic, and having dinner together, and also games that were followed by all the finalist and their teacher.

BIONIC workshop 2018 theme was “Inovasi Produk Jamur WeiQi sebagai Alteratif Makanan Cepat Saji Bernutrisi Tinggi” and the speaker is Prof. Dr. Ir. Lisdar A. Manaf (Lisdar I. Sudirman) and “Bee and Bee Pollen Diversity from Indonesian Local Honey” with Dr. Ir. Rika Raffiudin M.Si. as the speaker. The workshop was done on May 5th, 2018 from 08.00 WIB until  16.00 WIB. This event was divided into 2 sessions, the first session was about a mushroom-based flour that was held from 08.40 until 10.00 then the second session was about bee pollen that was held from 10.10 until 15.30.
On the last day, Sunday, May 6th, 2018, was held national seminar starting from 08.40 until 15.30. There were 4 speakers in this session. The first one is Mr. Desmarwansyah, SP. M.Sc. as Director Biotech and Seed CropLife Indonesia. The presentation was about Biotechnology as Tool for Food Security. The second speaker was Prof, Dr. Ir. F. G. Winarno which is also called the father of food technology in Indonesia and the presentation was about Ilmu Pangan dan Teknologi Masa Lampau, Kini, dan Masa Depan. The third speaker is Ir. Stefanus Indrayana as a General Manager Corporate Communication PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, that talk about Role of Food Industry in Food Value System. The last speaker is  Prof. Dr. Aris Tri Wahyudi M.Si. as a lecturer and expert at microbiology in the Department of Biology IPB, the presentation was about Plant-Microbes Interaction.

Diponegoro University came out as the winner of LKTIN with the title “Formulasi Z-CHLOE (Zea mays L. dan Chlorella sp.) sebagai Bahan Pangan Bagi Penderita Diabetes Melitus”, Bogor Agricultural University came out in second place with the title “Hunger Bank: Sistem Penanganan Sampah Organik Menggunakan Teknologi Biokonversi oleh Lalat Tentara Hitam (Hermentia illucens) untuk Menghasilkan Pakan Ternak dalam Upaya Pemenuhan Protein Masyarakat Kota Bogor”, and again Diponegoro University came out as one of the winner in the third place with the title “Modifikasi Tepung Labu Kuning secara Biologi Menggunakan Bakteri Asam Laktat dan Bantuan Penyinaran Microwave sebagai Bahan Pengganti Biji Gandum dalam Pembuatan Roti”. Best presentation award of LKTIN was given to “Hunger Bank: Sistem Penangan Sampah Organik Menggunakan Teknologi Biokonversi oleh Lalat Tentara Hitam (Hermentia illucens) untuk Menghasilkan Pakan Ternak dalam Upaya Pemenuhan Protein Masyarakat Kota Bogor” from Bogor Agricultural University and best poster award was given to Universitas Gadjah Mada with the title “Gatot Chips: Inovasi Gatot dari Singkong sebagai Cemilan Sehat Tinggi Serat dalam Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Pangan Lokal Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta”. The 1st place for essay competition was won by Ulfiyaningsih from MAN 2 Bulukumba with the title “Subtitusi Tepung Pisang Kepok (Musa paradisiaca farma typica) pada Olahan Pangan sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Tepung Terigu”. The second place was won by Anton Hendra Kusuma from SMAN 1 Kepanjen with the title “Inovasi Produk Kacang Tunggak sebagai Bahan Pangan Lokal dalam Menjaga Stabilitas Ketahanan Pangan Nasional”, while the 3rd place was won by  Fina Khilmiyatul Elyda from SMAN 1 Kepanjen with the title  “Ubi Gubung Kawi sebagai Endemik Khas Kabupaten Malang yang Kaya Nutrisi”. Best poster award was given to Anton Hendra Kusuma from SMAN 1 Kepanjen.



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