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Guest Lecture: Waste Plant Materials as Cosmetic Materials

  • 28 May 2018
  • Last modified at 30 May 2018

"More than 600 million tons of waste plant materials are generated worldwide nowadays. People reuse it only for home gardening or composting." Lin said it as an introductory speech. "Our preliminary studies suggested that it could be an excellent source of phytochemicals, high-value one, for cosmetics application." He added. 

Chung-Ho Lin Ph.D. is one of an expert of the Center for Agroforestry, School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, United States of America. Together with Amanda Dwikarina S.Si, a Biology Program Study alumna who currently studying in the University of Missouri, he came to the Department to conduct a guest lecture session in the Department of Biology on 23 May 2018. 

He was mentioned that his studies will lead to the identification of bioactive compounds in the waste plant materials for skin care application especially as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, skin-whiting, and anti-aging. In the guest lecture session, he also explained how his research (as a team) have successfully transferred their inventions to the industry, include, start-ups like Tiger Energy Solutions LLC and Elemental Enzyme LLC., and established industrial players like Bayer.

Before Lin session, Dwikarina gave the speech of her research on characterization of the antitumor named taccalonolides. This compound was isolated from a unique shape flower, Black Bat Flower or Tacca chantrieri from Indonesia in front of dozens of guest lecture participants. This flower is native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia including Thailand, Malaysia, and southern China.

In addition to the guest lecture, a discussion between Lin and the Department conducted to explore the future collaboration chances in research or education between the Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural University, and the University of Missouri. "It is a good chance to strengthen future collaboration between parties.", Dr. Ir. Miftahudin M.Si., head of the Department, said. He also an alumnus of the University of Missouri. 


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