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Exploring Situ Gunung, Department of Biology is Ready to Update Biodiversity Data and Its Potency

  • 12 July 2019
  • Last modified at 14 July 2019

“If I can detail observe some color that appeared in a plant, I can also observe our bright future in detail”, a male student said as a joke to a female student when he observed the color gradation on a plant leaves.

Meanwhile, some students explored Situ Gunung lake by swimming in to find its animal diversity. Other students, take a soil sample from the side of the lake to analyze its indigenous microorganisms communities.

That is an illustration from the Field Study (Studi Lapangan, BIO240) held at Situ Gunung, Sukabumi. In this area which is also part of the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (GGPNP), the students investigate the biological diversity and its potency.

“The GGPNP area is quite huge. We still need the biodiversity data of this area, particularly Situ Gunung. Therefore, we highly support this activity” said Wahju Rudianto, S.Pi., M.Si., Head of GGPNP Office. 

Wahju also mentioned that this activity also provided a form of mutual cooperation between IPB University and TNGGP office to promote the aspiration of TNGGP as an education and research center for Indonesian nature conservation.

“Hopefully, by this activity student not only learn how to observe the biological object, but also they could learn the way how they work together in teams and be able to adapt to the dynamics of field life," said Mafrikhul Muttaqin S.Si., M.Si., a young Biology Department lecturer who is also the committee chairman of this activity.

"In addition to field study activities, students and lecturers also carry out several community services such as book donation, biopory teaching, and practice for stingless bee cultivation", he continued.

Furthermore, this field study activity will be continued with the seminars and poster exhibition, as well as the Field Study book’s launching. The book was expected to provide an overview of the biodiversity data of the Situ Gunung and its potential.

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