High School Students Take Online Lectures for a Day at the Department of Biology, IPB University
- 2 March 2022
- Last modified at 2 March 2022
High School Students Take Online Lectures for a Day at the Department of Biology, IPB University
The Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) again held a One Day Online Lecture at BioIPB via Zoom, (25/02). The activity was held to promote the Department of Biology to 12th grade high school students.
Through Today's Online Lecture, students can not only taste what it's like to be a biology student at IPB University. However, you can also gain knowledge from competent sources. Moreover, this department has made many achievements, both lecturers and students.
Dr Puji Rianti, Lecturer of the Department of Biology of IPB University from the Division of Biosystematics and Animal Ecology became the first speaker. This young lecturer is actively involved in research and collaboration with various foreign institutions. High school students gain knowledge about animal welfare.
“Most Indonesian people still don't understand the importance of animal welfare. Especially regarding the welfare of domesticated animals and wild animals in remote areas that live side by side with humans," she said.
She explained that humans who raise animals should fulfill and implement animal welfare points. But humans do not always have to set aside a lot of money to ensure the welfare of their pets. But it can be done through simple things because raising animals of course has consequences.
“The bottom line is that their welfare (animals) must be met. So that animals become happy and do not get sick easily. And psychologically to the caretaker also has a positive impact,” she concluded.
Based on the evolutionary history, she added, the emotional attachment between humans and animals has existed for a very long time. This mutually beneficial relationship is created so that domestication occurs. Human bond with animals is increasing along with the need. Both in the fields of services, medical, recreation to agriculture.
"Categories that are considered in ensuring animal welfare if we love animals that must be fulfilled are nutrition, environment, health, behavior and mental health because mental health does not only belong to humans," she added.
According to her, high school students can learn more about this at the Department of Biology. The hope is that they can become the younger generation who contribute to animal welfare.
“That is in understanding and establishing the welfare management of various animal species. Furthermore, to change the view of animals around the environment so that they can live side by side with them," she said.
In addition, high school students who were enthusiastic in this activity also received information about the entrance to IPB University from Dr. Utami Dyah Syafitri, Assistant Director of Student Enrollment and Registration, Directorate of Educational Administration and Admission Management (DAPPMB). Also present were students of the Department of Biology of IPB University who excel in the national and international arena, Yasmin Kamila.
High school students have the opportunity to discuss and get tips and tricks to get the opportunity to study at the Department of Biology of IPB University.
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