Official website: Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB

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News Archive September 2014

Visit to Kasetsart University: Academic and Research Collaboration

  • 21 September 2014

On March 2014, three academic staffs from Department of Biology visited Faculty of Science, Kasetsart Univiversity (KU). They are: Dr. Rika Raffiudin (representative of Department of Biology), Dr. Triadiati (the Coordinator of Undergraduate Academic Advisor) and Prof. Dr. Anja Meryandini (Head of Graduate Program in Microbiology Dep. Of Biology). Facing AFTA 2015, both IPB and KU agree to improve academic atmosphere to International standard. Therefore, in 2013 IPB and KU have…

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French Fries Made in Indonesia

  • 16 September 2014

Dalam rangka Ekspo Inovasi IPB pada tanggal 6 September 2014, Kepala Bagian Fisiologi dan Genetika Tumbuhan Departemen Biologi, Prof. Suharsono, menyajikan produknya berupa kentang olahan untuk digoreng (french fries) yang merupakan hasil kerjasama dengan para peneliti di Pusat Penelitian Sumberdaya Hayati dan Bioteknologi LPPM IPB, PT Amanah dan BA Farm. Selain kentang goreng, pada kesempatan tersebut juga dipamerkan tanaman kentang in vitro dan di pot…

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National Radio (RRI) Interviewed Staff of Dept. Biology

  • 3 September 2014

Primates play an important role for the health and well-being. Through these animals, researchers can carry out a variety of biomedical studies such as testing the use of drugs, chemicals, biological substances, and other materials, which in turn will be used for the treatment of humans.  This view was stated by Dr. Berry Juliandi, one of the speakers in the dialogue of RRI, 93.75 FM, Bogor recently.  Further, Dr. Berry explained, other biomedical research can also be…

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