Announcements Archive December 2014
IcoBio 2015
- 18 December 2014

International Conference on Biosciences (ICoBio) 2015
“Appreciating Unity in Diversity”
Venue : IPB International Convention Center , Jalan Pajajaran, Baranangsiang Bogor Date : 5-6 August 2015 (Wednesday-Thursday)
Our knowledge in biology has allowed us to achieve better understanding on many biological phenomena as well as their applications or exploitation in agriculture, food safety and security, industrial, medical, and environmental conservation. However, our advances in applied biology also generate some negative implications, such as diminishing biodiversity, imbalance in food resources, evolving novel infectious agents, and the lack of understanding of non-infectious diseases or metabolic disorders. The good news is that the emerging cross-disciplinary sciences, such as molecular biology, bioinformatics, bionanotechnology, and even between biology and social biosciences will be very useful tools to help us in creating a better world. These interdisciplinary sciences will not only allow us to advance in sustainable food and energy security, healthcare, and environment, but also in our social relationships. Our advances in biology may broaden our perspective in being a unique individual and in appreciating human biodiversity for living in peace and harmony.
To gain insights on current trends in biology researches and teaching, such as the essential of interdisciplinary approaches in understanding biology and its applications.
To foster networking among biologists and relevant stakeholders to accelerate our effort in understanding biological phenomena and their applications for human welfare.
For more information, please check this website regulary.
Kegiatan Seminar 15 Desember 2014
- 12 December 2014
Hadirilah kegiatan seminar mahasiswa S1 Departemen Biologi FMIPA IPB pada
- Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 15 Desember 2014
- Waktu : 09.00 - 12.00
- Tempat : RK C11-C12 D lt 2 Fakultas Peternakan
- Pemakalah :
- Dian Ardianingsih
- Annisa Nurrizky
- Cahaya Umah
- Kapsah