Announcements Archive January 2016
J-PAC (Japan Program at Chiba University) Fall Semester 2016
- 29 January 2016
for undergraduate students, minimum at the 2nd year
Program duration: October 2016-February 2017
Check your eligibility in these two following programs :
(1) International Liberal Arts Program
(2) Japanese Studies Program
Program Information:
Application procedure:
(a) submit all application documents in a clear plastic folder to DITMAWA by February 24th, 2016 at the latest
(b) interview session (if any) will be announced later
(c) application documents will be submitted to Chiba University collectively by IPB
Documents required:
(a) Application forms (can be obtained by sending e-mail to Ditmawa),
(b) Plan of study,
(c) Academic transcript from the applicant’s home institution,
(d) 1 letter of reference from an academic teacher at the applicant’s home institution who has known the applicant for at least one year,
(e) Certificate of Japanese language proficiency by a Japanese language instructor,
(f) 1 copy of the photo page of your passport,
(g) 2 photos with size : 3 cm x 4 cm
Please contact for further information in the following subject format:
JPAC2016-Name-Student ID-Major-Inquiry
[any e-mail with different subject will be ignored]
[TUJP]: Tohoku University Japanese Program, Summer 2016
- 29 January 2016
Program Period :
TUJP-1: 4-19 July 2016
TUJP-2: 25 July-9 August 2016
About the Program:
This summer intensive program provides students of our partner institutions with an opportunity to discover Japan through diverse learning experiences in English. The program offers intensive Japanese language classes for both beginner and pre-intermediate learners, topical seminars about Japanese culture and society, various cultural workshops, and field trips including a homestay experience
Eligibility :
- Full-time undergraduate students of IPB. Students must be enrolled in their home university during this program
- Sufficient English Ability (Equivalent to TOEFL iBT 70 or PBT 520)
Application procedures :
- submit all application documents in a clear-red folder to DITMAWA by 14 March 2016
- interview session will be announced between 21-24 March 2016 (based on further announcement)
- application documents will be submitted to Tohoku University collectively by IPB
Documents required :
1. Applicant's portrait photo (4 cm x 3 cm)
2. Transcript from the previous academic year in English - can be obtained at Dit.AP
3. Photocopy of passport (page with applicant’s photo)
4. Personal Statement (300-500 words/reasons for applying)
5. Copy of English language ability certificate and scores
6. Application Form for Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarship with hand-written signature (if applicable)
More information can be downloaded in the following link:
Please contact for further inquiries in the following format:
TUJP-2016-Name-Student ID-Major-Inquiry
KRS Online for Undergraduate Program Trial
- 26 January 2016

KRS Online for Undergraduate Program of IPB already open to be tested:
Problems / difficulties that were found in KRS Online can be delivered via email (mail to: or KRS Problem Form
Congratulation! Two Biology's graduates are IPB Best Graduates
- 20 January 2016

We congratulate
- Andi Gita Maulidyah Indraswari Suhri as best IPB Master Program Graduate
- Mashudi as best FMIPA Undergraduate Program Graduate
at Wisuda Institut Pertanian Bogor, January 20th 2016
Open Registration: Laboratory Practice Assistant
- 19 January 2016

Pendaftaran Asisten Praktikum Departemen Biologi-FMIPA IPB sekarang dilakukan secara terpusat di ruang akademik S1. Selain itu, pendaftaran dapat pula dilakukan secara online di form berikut. Pendaftaran akan ditutup tanggal 1 Februari 2016.
Klik untuk melanjutkan: KLIK
Mata Kuiah:
- Botani Umum (BIO234)
- Ekologi Dasar (BIO203)
- Fungsi Hayati Hewan (BIO362)
- Kultur Jaringan Tanaman (BIO342)
- Sistematika Tumbuhan Berpembuluh (BIO233)
- Mikrobiologi Dasar (BIO212)
- Pengantar Genetika Molekular (BIO304)
- Ilmu Lingkungan (BIO302)
- Fisiologi Tumbuhan Dasar (BIO241)
- Vertebrata (BIO251)
- Anatomi Tumbuhan (BIO130)