Announcements Archive May 2021
Research Seminar for Bachelor Degree Student
- 26 May 2021

Name: Siti Nurlela
NIM: G34170001
Supervisor :
1. Dr. Berry Juliandi, M.Si.
2. Prof. drh. Arief Boediono Ph.D, PAVet (K)
Title of Scientific Paper: Neurogenesis and Memory Learning Ability of Mice (Mus musculus) after Geraniol Treatment
Time: Thursday, 27 May 2021, 10.00 - 10.45 WIB
Media: Zoom
Form Pendaftaran :
Happy Ied Al Fitr 1442 H
- 9 May 2021

All academicians of Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University gladly say:
Happy Ied Al-Fitr Mubarak
1 SYAWAL 1442 H
May God always gives us taufiq & hidayah in working