Announcements Archive September 2016
Student Seminar: October 6th, 2016
- 29 September 2016
Name: Budi Hermawan
NIM: G 3411 0055
Title: Induksi Pembelahan Sporofitik pada Kultur Antera Takokak (Solanum torvum) dengan Perlakuan Cekaman Suhu Inkubasi dan Media Starvasi dalam Sistem Media Dua Lapis
Place: RK C4 FPIK
Let's Collect BIOIPB Mementos
- 17 September 2016

Let's come and enliven Department of Biology - Himabio IPB stand at the Open House 53 in front of Bogor Agricultural University Gymnasium. Get closer to the Department and collect all BIOIPB Mementos. Only today and tomorrow!
drh Ikin Mansjoer passed away
- 10 September 2016
Let's Compete in OSN PERTAMINA 2016
- 7 September 2016
There are two activities in Pertamina OSN, namely the competition in field theory and science projects. Field theory much like OSN in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Science project in the form of creative works in form of Software Application (APL), Design (RB), and Superior Products (PU). The theme is Renewable Energy.
Let's follow-up, scholarship prizes of millions of rupiah! registration is open until 30 September 2016.
More Info
Department of Biology Graduate Student Welcome Party
- 1 September 2016