Announcements Archive June 2019
Student Thesis Defence, 21 Juni 2019
- 20 June 2019
Name : Sri Rezeki Wulandari
Student Registration Number : G34140099
Supervisors : Dr. Sri Listiyowati, Dr. Irmanda Batubara, Taruni Sri Prawasti, M.Si
Title : Potential Selection of Fungi that are associated with dead Insects as Antibacterials and Antioxidants
Time :13.00 - 15.00 WIB
Place : Court Room 3, Departemen of Biology
Student Thesis Defence, 14 Juni 2019
- 12 June 2019
Name : Sumiati
Student Registration Number : G34140024
Supervisors : Dr. Gayuh Rahayu, Dr. Ence Darmo Jaya Supena,Deden Derajat Matra, Ph.D
Title : The existence of Fusarium oxysporum MAT Locus f. sp. Java Island's origin of cubense and its Ploid status
Time :13.30 - 15.30 WIB
Place : Court Room 3, Departemen of Biology
Student Thesis Defence, 12 Juni 2019
- 12 June 2019
Name : Engkay
Student Registration Number : G34150032
Supervisors : Dr.Achmad Farajallah, Dr. Ali Mashar, Dr. Ibnul Qayim
Title : Diversity of Freshwater Shrimp in Upstream Rivers on Mount Salak, West Java
Time :13.30 - 15.30 WIB
Place : Court Room 3, Departemen of Biology
The 2019 Field Study
- 11 June 2019

Biology Study Program of the Department of the Biology will hold a curriculum activity titled Field Studies (Studi Lapangan). The activity that will be participated by 4th-semester students is planned for July 2019.