Announcements Archive June 2016
BIOIPB Tracer Study
- 27 June 2016

Dear Our Beloved Alumni,
In order to maintenance our quality, please fill in bioipb alumni survey
- (Undergraduate Alumni)
- (Graduate Alumni)
Thank You!
One Month Three Achievements
- 9 June 2016

Three awards have been achieved by the Department of Biology in one month.
- Dr. Ir. Iman Rusmana M.Si. was elected as Outstanding Head of Department (1st) in IPB.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharsono DEA was elected as Outstanding Lecturer (2nd) in IPB.
- Suhendrik Tjiam was elected as Outstanding Supporting Staff (1st, category of Academic Administration) in IPB.
Congratulations on your success! You have made us all proud. Keep up the good work!. Thank you for all those who have participated to accomplish this achievements.