Announcements Archive May 2019
New HAYATI J of Biosciences' Achievement
- 31 May 2019

We would like to cordially congratulate the editorial team of HAYATI J of Biosciences (Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia, Department of Biology) on achievement as the first and the only one Indonesian life science journal that has been categorized as Q2 in Agricultural and Biological Sciences ( Moreover, HAYATI J Biosci has been also indexed/registered in SCOPUS, ASEAN Citation Index, DOAJ, SINTA, National Library of Medicine Catalog, Crossref, ROAD, CABI, EBSCO, Publons, Scilit, Agricola, ProQuest and others.
Student Colloquium
- 27 May 2019

A Student Colloquium event will be held on 27-28 May 2019. This event will be participated by students of Bachelor Degree in Biology batch 53rd.
Student Thesis Defence, 13 Juni 2019
- 24 May 2019
Name : Uswatun Hasanah
Student Registration Number : G34140004
Supervisors : Dr.Ence Darmo Jaya Supena, Dr.Dorly, Windra Priawandiputra, PhD
Title : Induction of Somatic Sengon Embryogenesis (Falcataria moluccana) Affected by Ploidi Levels and Lighting
Time :13.00 - 15.00 WIB
Place : Court Room 1, Departemen of Biology
Student Thesis Defence, 23 Mei 2019
- 21 May 2019
Name : Meilisa Dwi Nurdiyanti
Student Registration Number : G34150050
Supervisors : Dr. Miftahudin, Prof. Dr.Tatik Chikmawati, Ivan Permana Putra, M.Si
Title : Response of Rice Plants (Oryza sativaL.) To Various Fe Concentrations in Hara Culture Media
Time :09.00 - 11.00 WIB
Place : Court Room 1, Departemen of Biology
Student Thesis Defence, 27 Mei 2019
- 20 May 2019
Name : Putri Tania Ariana
Student Registration Number : G34150007
Supervisors : Dr. Berry Juliandi, S.Si M.Si, Prof. Drh.Arief Boediono, PhD, Dr. dr. Sri Budiarti
Title : Efek Senyawa Katekin pada Teh Hijau ( Camellia sinensis) terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Memori dan Neurogenesis
Time :10.00 - 12.00 WIB
Place : Court Room 3, Departemen of Biology