Announcements Archive January 2017
Call for Papers: Seminar Nasional Lebah 2017
- 30 January 2017

Kepada seluruh penggiat Perlebahan di Indonesia,
Kami, Departemen Biologi FMIPA Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) berkolaborasi dengan Asosiasi Perlebahan Indonesia (API) dengan bangga menyelenggarakan Seminar Perlebahan Nasional Pertama di Indonesia.
- Tanggal: 19 Agustus 2017
- Waktu: 07:00- selesai
- Tempat: Auditorium FMIPA, IPB Dramaga
Tema utama dari seminar ini adalah "Konservasi Keragaman Lebah Indonesia untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat"
Dengan narasumber:
- Asosiasi Perlebahan Indonesia (API)
- Prof. Dr. Ali Agus, DAA, DEA (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
- Prof. Dr. Damayanti Buchori (Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia)
- Dr. Rika Raffiudin, M.Si (Institut Pertanian Bogor)
- Dr. Muhammad Sahlan (Universitas Indonesia)
- Drs. Suratmono, MP (Deputi bidang pengawasan keamanan pangan dan bahan berbahaya BPOM)
- Dr. Siti Salmah (Profesor Emeritus dari Universitas Andalas)
Sub Tema Paper (Call for Papers)
Call for Papers: the 2nd ICoBio 2017
- 30 January 2017

Our knowledge in biology has allowed us to achieve better understanding on many biological’ phenomena from its application within agriculture, fishery, food security and safety, industry, medic, to environmental ecosystem and conservation. However, our advances in applied biology also generate some negative implications, such as diminishing biodiversity, Imbalance in food resources, evolving novel infectious agents, and the lack of understanding of· non-infectious diseases or metabolic disorders.
The good news is that the emerging cross-disciplinary sciences, such as molecular biology, bioinformatics, and bio-nano technology are useful tools to help us in creating a better world. These interdisciplinary sciences will not only allow us to advance in sustainable food and energy security, healthcare, and environment using the knowledge of gene, the blueprints of life, to sustain the ecosystem biodiversity.
In this 2nd International Conference on Biosciences, we aim “the insights on current trends in biology research from genes to ecosystems to foster the networking among biologists and relevant stakeholders to accelerate our effort in understanding biological phenomena and their applications for human welfare”.
It is a matter of great privilege for us to invite you to contribute a research paper and participate in the deliberations of the conference.
We look forward to welcoming you at Bogor, the home of Bogor Agricultural University.
Website Award
- 20 January 2017

Thank you!
Our website ( awarded as the best department website in FMIPA and 2nd best IPB department website in IPB based on Keputusan Panitia Lomba Website Unit Kerja IPB 2016 no 14414/IT3.29/TI/2016.
Thank you for all support and help.
- 11 January 2017

Are you ready for PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa): Gagasan Tertulis dan Artikel Ilmiah?
Check the guide here.
#bioipb 2017 Calendar
- 4 January 2017

Hi Biologist, now you can download our free 2017 Calendar (+ IPB Academic Calendar). Feel free to use or print it. Enjoy.